Chapter 16 Tradition

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"Get OUT!" Tony screamed. 

 Robbie stood at the end of his bed, mouth open in disbelief at the little boy he'd thought his friend. He hadn't meant to spill paint on Tony's drawing. Flying his Zeppelin into the container was truly an accident. He'd stammered his apology and tried to clean the mess, but it only turned Tony angrier. Tony dropped his blond head and charged, shoving Robbie toward the door. The boy's blue eyes flashed, tears streaked down his red cheeks.  He clutched the picture he'd drawn for his Uncle Daniel; the picture this foreigner who couldn't even speak correctly had just ruined.

 "I'm telling what you did," Robbie threatened. He clinched his fists at his side, his eyes reddened,  his voice thick with barely contained sobs. He turned to race the steps down to the landing where hopefully Nana Addie would be; she'd fix it. 

 "You're a retard alien," Tony said, following him. "You ruined Uncle Daniel's picture.

 Robbie turned gaping in disbelief at Tony, who now clutched his most prized possession. No other child in the entire world had a toy anything like his magic box. Daniel made up stories of great adventures occurring because of that box and now.... "Give it back, please. Please, give it back. I said  sorry." 

  Tony stuck his tongue out.

 "Please, Tony. I won't touch your car park even when you say I can," Robbie begged. 

 Tony ignored him swooshing the toy through the air, racing down the stairs, threatening its very safety. Robbie clenched his fists tighter, trying to control the rising tide of fury sweeping through him, his little heart beat wildly. His eyes narrowed and his lip curled. "Give. It. Back," he growled. "My dad made it just for me."

  "He's not your dad. You don't have a dad. I knew Uncle Daniel first.  He's not even supposed to be with you, he's supposed to be with me and my sister. You ruined my picture for MY Uncle Daniel. I'm taking this!"

 "He is my dad. You were my friend, give it back!"

 "No, it's in my room, that makes it mine. You smell and you're stupid. You can't even read right. My friend Albie says you're retarded. Go away!" 

  Robbie opened and closed his fist; tears streaked his face. He didn't even know Albie. How could someone he didn't even know call him that name? A boy called him that word once in Glesga because he couldn't tie his shoes, and now Tony had said it -- twice. He stepped closer, growling, "You. Take. That. Back."

 "No! You stink and you're stupid!" Tony yelled.

 "Oi!" Jackie stood at the head of the stairs still in her pyjamas with hair sticking out everywhere. "What's going on down there? People are still sleepin'. Why isn't Mr...."

 Neither boy heard her as she started down the stairs and all Jackie heard before a full out brawl started, were three little words -- 'take it back' followed by something that stunned her and horrified Robbie. His only friend smashed the toy TARDIS against the floor. Halfway down the staircase, Jackie's anger turned to disbelief when Robbie's little fist flew straight into Tony's face. She wasn't sure who was the most shocked that blood gushed from her son's nose: Robbie or Tony. Robbie stood gobsmacked as Tony's wails filled the hallway. 

 Jackie ran the rest of the way down to reach her son. "Robbie Filson, what have you done?!" 

 He looked up at her rushing toward him and panicked. "It's not my fault," he cried, grabbing the only piece of his toy left and ran, not caring about the adult voices calling for him to stop.

 The frigid air spurred him to run the path to the guest house faster, desperate to reach the arms of his mum. He burst through the door, colliding with legs that were immediately kicked. Howie's yelp went ignored as Robbie screamed, "Dad! Mum!" 

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