Chapter 6 Does it matter my name's not Daniel

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 "Hold up," Pete yelled, as the women reached the lift. "It seems I've been threatened with sectioning if I don't go home."

 "Who's with Daniel," Nora snapped, pulling away from the elevator, suddenly angry with Katie.  

  Pete through up both hands in defence. "Before you go off on us, Nora, Marcus is staying and so is Gwen. Daniel did start to kick off, but Gwen calmed him down, by kicking me out. He decided I was the reason you left. When I peeked on the monitor, he was listening to his music."

 "Katie said Marcus was leaving and Gwen has been here since day one," she retorted.

 "Marcus can't leave until Harris gets here and Gwen is bugging out when Mary gets in. The tests and therapy will keep him distracted until we get back, or you get back 'cos I think -- I'm taking a kip." He smiled and reached for her hand. "C'mon, Nora, you have another man that needs a little attention. Right?"

 Nora glared for a long moment before drawing a seething breath. "I guess -- we came together -- we should leave together, yeah?" she finally said, softening her expression.

 "Yeah, it's First Day Eve. No party, though. No red carpet and probably no champagne, but a visit with the family is good." Pete stepped forward to slip an arm around Nora's waist. "Remember last year, Jax, one of the boys from R&D nearly blew up my pond with home made fireworks." He skilfully ushered Nora into the lift.

 "I do remember," Jax laughed. "I remember the lot were completely bladdered. Have to admit, I wasn't all that sober myself," she said, elbowing her daughter.  

 There were times having money, power and position came in very handy. For Pete Tyler, looking down at the landscape from the passenger window of his private helicopter, this was definitely one of those times. The blizzard had left the city a mess. The roads below were nothing more than wide ruts, with snow pushed off to the side. Hills of snow, pushed aside by the snow removal lorries, buried the cars parked or abandoned street side at the height of the storms, leaving just the hoods barely peaking from underneath. Car lots and open parking structures looked as if a giant child had plunked match box cars down into mounds of flour. 

 The copter flew low enough, that they could see that children with sleds and a few hardy souls travelled about on skis. Just as a picture, the scene was serene and beautiful. As reality, the mess was still a nightmare. The weather forecast called for another major snowfall in just three days. Enough time for people to restock their larders, and hopefully get those without power back on line and shake off the grey depression that came after suffering five days stuck inside. 

 Pete worried about the handful of aliens that he'd hid amongst the populace. The rip caused by Davros' attack on reality sent nearly a dozen alien crafts crashing into this planet. Torchwood managed to successfully integrate a few of the survivors. The rest were hidden in cells off the coast of Scotland on an island whose most distinctive feature was its lighthouse. The sigh of concern brought an attentive hand from Jackie. It seemed the woman always knew when to just reach and hold his hand. 

 Five minutes after lifting off from the complex, the copter dropped down, making its approach to the mansion. The backwash from the blades sent a mini whirlwind of snow up, as the ship skimmed leafless trees, looking for a place to land as close to the house as possible. Pete heard the pilot tell him that he could put the ship down a dozen yards from the house. Pete flashed a thumbs up and watched the snow turn into a blizzard around them, as the pilot skilfully landed the helicopter. They waited for the blades to stop and then, as Pete started to slide the door, it seemingly moved on its own. He was less than thrilled to see Don Noble, his red hair blowing in the breeze, smiling broadly. Pete jumped out, and reached for his wife at the same moment Don reached to help Nora and Rose. The perturbed expression on Pete's face brought the first real laugh the two women had expressed all week. 

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