18| Revenge

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Hope this chapter finds you well! Don't forget to vote and comment!

"Mia, you can practice slinging over there," Eli said and pointed at the other end of the clearing.

"But... but I still can't perform the shot without your guidance!" Mia exclaimed and pouted at him.

"I'll come back to you later," Eli said, leaving Mia speechless as she obeyed his instruction. Eli turned to me, his cheeks still displayed redness.

"I'm sorry about that, it's not what it looks like!" he tried to explained himself, and I simply shrugged.

"No worries," I said. "I won't tell the rest of the gang about your little secret."

Eli let out a laugh before he raised his left hand and reached out to me in the air, palm up, as if he wanted something from me. "Give me your blasters," he instructed.

"What?" I questioned and raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"Just do it."

I sighed softly before handing my blaster to him. Satisfied, he let out a smile before pointed at a cactus at a distance.

"Go check that cactus out," he commanded.

"How is that going to help me with handling a fusion shot?"

"You'll see," he said with a straight face. I wasn't convinced, but I trust him and headed to the cactus. I crouched down at it, narrowing my eyes as I examined the plant. A small chirp sounded from the cactus and a slug popped its head out from the other side of the spiked plant. A Phosphoro. I smiled brightly at the sight of the new slug and reached out a hand for it.

"Hey there little guy, would you like to join me and my slugs on some exciting adventures to defeat Tad and his goons? I could really use a Phosphoro!" I invited it and it squeaked before jumping onto my outstretched palm. Hero and Phoenix were on my shoulders and they chirped to welcome the new member. I examined the slug, and figured that it was a he.

"How do you like the name..." I trailed as I thought of a name when suddenly, a gunfire sounded. Hero and Phoenix widened their eyes and jumped off my shoulder along with my new Phosphoro onto the ground beside me. I wasn't alert of my surroundings as I was befriending the new slug, and I trusted Eli and Mia that they will protect me if something happened.

Well, to say the least, I was wrong. So wrong.

I turned around just to see an Enigmo slug, which must be Eli's, crashed into me. I was brought to the ground by the impact. Once again I felt the unbearable headache at the back of my head. I groaned as I pulled myself back up into a sitting position. I lifted my heavy eyelids and saw Eli.

A blurry Eli.

"What was that for!?" I yelled angrily at him, frowning my brows and pointed a finger at him. "I was trying to make a new friend!"

"I'm sorry but you're about three feet off," Eli said as he laughed at me. I rolled my eyes and glared daggers at him.

"Once you fixed my vision, you're so dead," I threatened as Hero and Phoenix hopped back onto my shoulders. "Seriously though, why did you slug me?"

"Look at your slugs," Eli instructed. My slugs took the cue and exited from the backpack. I looked down on the ground where my slugs assembled. Lines of wavy rays glowed from each of them like the reflection of water, each having their unique colour and texture. I was stunned as I figured that I was looking at their auras.

"I know you would never volunteer yourself to be slugged, so I had to do it this way," Eli said as he walked towards me. "But what you're seeing is pretty cool, huh?"

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