28| First Kiss

708 22 35

Am I dead?


Wait... Was that Blue?

"Alessia, can you hear me?"

No way this is happening.

"Ales please! Wake up"

Get up!

"Please don't do this to me!"

Get. Up.

Pain travelled up my spine, causing it to arch as I felt a gallon of liquid streamed up my trachea. I vomited violently, and winced at the tremendous discomfort before I felt a pair of arms grabbed me by my shoulder.

"Oh Ales, thank goodness you're alive!"


I forced my heavy eyelids to ascend, my vision became clearer as I blinked.

It was Eli Shane. I was in his arms.

It was stupid of me to think that it was Blue. I must have hit my head too hard.


I tilted my head and laid on his strong shoulder, catching my breath.

My eyes lazily looked around our surroundings. We were on shore, on a greyish-blue land, filled with astronomical green rock statues that had tiny blue, glowing mushrooms growing on them.

Eli and I were nearer to the waters, with Doc, Strange, and a group of Fandangoes cheering around us. The rest of the gang, slugs, and mechas were further up the land, beside a rock statue.

Relieved, I rested my eyes and sank into his chest. I couldn't feel my body. My muscles were so sore, my body felt like it was restarting. Eli seemed to have noticed it as he tightened the hug, not allowing my body to slip out of his embrace.

"She's awake!?" I heard Mia's voice from a distance away, and a second after that, four more pairs of arms were wrapped around me. Dizziness hit my head like a wave as I squinted my eyes. Once it was gone, I could finally come back to my senses.

Every part of me was in pain, but I was too grateful to be alive to even be bothered.

"Alessia! Can you hear me? Oh floppers do you know you gave us all a heart attack? Why did you do that!?" Mia screamed into my ear as they slowly loosened their hugs on me, and I returned it with a weak yet assuring smile.

"What happened?" I questioned them, and the recent events played in my mind, and I was suddenly panicking. "Where are my slugs? Where is Phoenix and Cobra? Are they okay?"

"Yeah they are safe," Trixie assured me. "Why did you go after Cobra? Do you not know that slugs can swim and breathe underwater?"

Trixie glared down at me like an angry mom. She was scary.

"I was worried that Tad's goons might get her," I pouted as I uncomfortably snuggled closer to Eli since he was the only one that wasn't scowling at me.

"You almost lost your life to a slug, you idiot! If I told you that this would happen a year ago, you would have brought me to a psychologist," Mia said and crossed her arms. "Next time in situations like this when you could very possibly die, could you please think logically, my dear Ales? I know you love your slugs but is it really worth sacrificing your own life for them? They are nothing without you!"

"I am nothing without them too," I mumbled. "I'm sorry. It was the rush of adrenaline that made me make irrational decisions. I'm sorry I got you all worried. I really am. I promise that this wouldn't happen again."

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