35| Hospitalised

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This chapter contains a bit of swearing, just one actually ☝🏻

Don't forget to vote and comment if you fancy.

Enjoy :D

Eli's pov
Employees, all neatly dressed in blue or white uniforms, walked through these lonely hallways. Some gossiped among themselves when they saw the members of the Shane Gang in the waiting area, and the others walked past us with secret glances.

We have been in the waiting area for more than three hours. Planted on my seat, I rested my elbows on my thighs and hid my face under my hands. I was sweaty and completely worn out from the mission, with dried up tears all over my face, but none of those managed to bother me anymore.

How did I even allow this to happen?

I'm such a terrible leader.

I didn't even notice Trixie walking towards us like a dead zombie until she spoke.

"Dana and Twist went to grab us dinner," Trixie said with her crooked voice, before she sat down between me and Mia. I heard her sniffed, before she hugged Mia to seek comfort.

"She will be fine, right?" Mia asked us, her voice cracked. No one said a word, before Kord assured us.

"She will be fine."

No one said another word after that. Not even the talkative, boastful Pronto.

The light of the 'emergency' sign faded and the plain white doors flung open. The five of us sprung out of our seats and raced for the exiting surgeon.

"Doctor!" I came to a halt in front of him as the rest joined me.

"We're the Shane Gang. How is Alessia?" I asked hurriedly. My heart was beating like I had just ran a marathon.

He removed his mask and goggles, revealing a sad frown.

"The Shane Gang, the protectors of the 99 caverns..."

He was shivering, his gaze never had the courage to meet mine.

"Alessia is dead."

"What?" I mumbled in disbelief.

"I am truly sorry. We did our very best," he said with droopy shoulders and teary eyes.

"Doctor," Trixie started, trying very hard to be hopeful. "We have the Energy Elemental, a White Boon Doc, and many Fandangoes. We can supply the hospital with all these slugs. Please, you have to give her another try."

"We've tried everything, Trixie. We used all of our Boon Docs and Fandangoes on her. I am truly very sorry," the doctor said, before he stepped aside for us to enter. We rushed in and froze when we saw her on her surgical bed.

With countless machineries surrounding her and numerous medical tubes inserted into her body, she laid on her white bed unresponsively, with a white cloth covering her body up until her shoulders. Her cheeks were pale and lips were white, her eyes were closed and they seemed to not have the energy to be opened ever again.

"No... No!" Mia cried, running to the bed and hugged her lifeless body. "No no no! This is not happening! Please!"

"This is my fault," I whispered, shocked still crossed my face. "This is all my fault."

"Eli," Kord mumbled as I felt his giant palm on my shoulder. "This is not your fault. You know that."

Pronto seemed to have woken from his shock and he quickly rushed over to the bed and laid a finger on her wrist. I watched as his purple body stiffened, and he was tongue-tied, before he screamed.

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