31| Underground Hideouts

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I went through each house, checking every room and corner, making sure that there were no goons and that no one was in danger. There were no residents in the following houses, only a few goons that were caught kidnapping the local slugs, which I dealt with relatively easily.

As I exited the last house with two new slug carriers in hand, I noticed a police car driving down the street. We both came to a halt and four policemen exited the vehicle and approached me.

"Alessia! So glad to have the Shane Gang here to help us out," one of them, which I assumed was the leader, spoke. "How's the situation?"

"There are a few unconscious goons in this row of houses. I've made sure the residents are not hidden in the houses and no slugs are left behind. I'm not entirely sure about the other rows of houses though, but my friends are on to them," I reported.

"Thank you. We'll take the goons from here, then we'll fight alongside with the Shane Gang. More of us are coming," he said and I nodded. They started to check the houses and took the goons away while I walked towards the hidden staircase with the two slug carriers.

"Update," I spoke through my earpiece. "I'm clear, but I still need to send two slug carriers to the underground hideout. I met a few policemen on the way. They told me that more forces are on their way to assist us."

"Got it. Thanks Ales," Eli spoke.

"Not a problem," I said, before I lifted the circular door and climbed into it with the carriers. When I got to the ground, I examined my surroundings.

It was an underground hallway, but instead of a maze, the path was a straight line. It was wide enough to fit three standardised mechas to walk through side by side and tall enough to fit a fully erected Crystal Worm.

There were overgrown vines on the cracked, old brick walls, and little to no sunlight managed to squeeze through the tiny cracks. I walked down the large hallway, taking everything in before I took a sharp turn, and was invited by four guards.

They raised their blasters the second they saw me, and behind them was an enormous metal white door. The towering metal doors were two-storey high. I could tell that they depart sideways by the way it was built. Vines tangled themselves on the surface of the doors. The doors looked heavy, as if two Mecha Elephants weren't enough to even make it budge.

So this is the underground hideout? Cool!

"Who are you? Drop your blaster now!" one of the guards ordered as he powered up his blaster.

I spotted a surveillance camera on the top right corner of the door. I had never seen a surveillance camera in Slugterra before. This place must be heavily guarded to have them installed.

"Wait, that's Alessia! From the Shane Gang!" one of the guards exclaimed as he pointed at the star logo on my bandoleer, but that did not made them lower their blasters.

"Really?" another guard exclaimed, he seemed like he couldn't believe that I was standing in front of him.

"Do not forget, Twist has a Thugglet," the leader spoke, and the expressions of the other guards darkened.

"Alessia, I know you bring no harm but please cooperate with us. We were given orders that, no matter who wishes to go into the hideout, we need to search them first, even if you're a member of the Shane Gang," another guard said as two guards started to approach me, their blasters still raised at me.

"Sure," I shrugged as I placed both the slug canisters on the floor and lifted up my arms. Two guards walked up to me and holstered their weapons, before they begun to search me. The other two guards still had their eyes and blasters locked on me.

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