50| Battlefield

276 15 40

Slugterra wasn't the same anymore.

It will never be.

The once busy towns and inhabited forests were desolate and lonely. Stalactites hanging from the cavern ceilings were darkened and sharpened, as if it was designed to kill. Bioluminescent vegetation became dull and lifeless. Rivers turned gory red; cyan mushrooms mutated into purple crystals.

I had never seen anything like this.

Everything just felt so dead.

But even with the differences, I can still recall how Eli and I used to ride across these caverns, our muffled conversations and laughters filling the tranquility of this majestic place. I still remember his scent, the way Burpy perch on his shoulder, how a gaze from his ocean blue eyes could send electricity through my body, how a small kiss could flutter my heart.

Who am I kidding?

How can I ever move on from him?

Burpy and Phoenix chirped sadly on my shoulders with droopy antennae, the slugs in the carriers attached to Dalinda did too. Dalinda purred, watching out for any enemies as we darted through the deceased forest, and emerged out into Slag Rock Cavern. She slowed down her pace as we begun climbing up an inclining slope.

When we reached the top of the v-shaped valley, the lowest intersection between both mountains, Blakk's army finally came to sight.

Staring down, I pulled out my blaster, feeling my heart rate rising as I scanned the massive army. Below us, the battlefield before the citadel was filled with vile creatures. Hundreds of eels soared through the cavern's sky, each with one to three Darkbanes riders. Countless stone warriors and Darkbanes flooded the ground, with about a hundred Titans parked behind them. Five gigantic Behemoths stood mightily at the back of the army, accompanied by nine unstoppable warriors: three Iron Warriors, three Crystal Warriors and three Sonic Warriors.

Before the entire army stood their five leaders. They were standing in a line, waiting patiently for the Shane Gang's arrival. Doctor Blakk was standing in the middle of them, partnered by the Goon on his left and the Emperor to his right. Beside the Goon was Brimstone, and El Diablos Nacho stood beside the Emperor.

I froze, taking in the view one last time.

This is going to be bloody.

My slugs growled as Doctor Blakk noticed me on the distant valley, and when he did, the entire army quietened down, every pair of eyes was on me.

"We're ready," Twist spoke through my earpiece, bringing me out of my train of thoughts of the different gruesome ways I could die of.

I bit my lips nervously as Dalinda walked down the slope, slowly approaching the army on the battleground. She stopped when we were about thirty feet away from the line of leaders. Dalinda folded her wings neatly, her eyes stared confidently at the ginormous army in front of us.

I took in a deep breath, and looked at Doctor Blakk straight in the eye. He smirked evilly at me.

"I was expecting a bigger fight from the Shane Gang," Blakk drawled, his allies huffed, all wearing the same stupid smirk. "Turns out, your friends left you. They are smart. You are the stubborn one."

I rolled my eyes as Dalinda let out a dominant roar.

"You never learn," the Goon spoke. "You'll end up just like the Shane."

Oh no you don't.

You dare bring him up.

"I'm sorry but Slugterra is closed today," I yelled, laughing silently at my own Iron Man reference and ignoring the growing anger inside of me. I smirked, enjoying the confused looks on their face. "You better pack it up and get out of here."

Key To My Heart || SlugterraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin