32| Blakk Citadel

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Grab your popcorns cuz something's about to get down.

I warned you >:)

"Eli, are you a hundred percent sure that Dana wouldn't betray us and have gone to work for Tad and this isn't another trap-"

"We've talked about this MANY times on our way here and I'm going to say this one last time. Dana will never work for Blakk, Trix. Now let's go save her."

"I'm going in," I removed my finger from my earpiece and drove Dalinda down a vent into the infamous Blakk Citadel. We landed with a small thud and froze on the spot, listening for any noises.


Dalinda folded her wings and lifted her tail so that no part of her was left dragging on the metal ground. We quietly roamed around the ventilation system, before we spotted a railing. We looked down, and below us was one of the many hallways of the citadel.

"We're in," Eli updated me as I dismounted Dalinda and worked on removing the railing with a screwdriver.

"Be careful," I said to my gang as I lifted up the last screw. I was about to lift the railing when Dalinda wrapped her tail around my waist.

Understanding her signal, I waited for the approaching danger to pass by. Through the tiny gaps in between the bars of the railing, two goons walked past below us. After they were gone, Dalinda released me and I carefully removed the railing, and jumped down.

"I'm in. Heading towards the Control Room," I updated as Dalinda landed right beside me. I mounted her and we made our way through the eerie hallway.

The ceilings, the walls, and the floorings were all metallic black, with occasional red markings highlighting the doors. A single yellow spotlight lit up the entire hallway, adding to the spooky atmosphere.

"Hey Dalinda, are you terrified or honoured to be the first mechabeast to sneak into Blakk Citadel after it's rebuilt?" I whispered into Dalinda's ear and I could imagine her rolling her eyes at me and my inexpertness.

There was a loud clang from a distance before us, and Dalinda came to an immediate halt.

Mago hopped onto my shoulder, examining her surrounding worriedly. I pulled out my blaster and loaded her up quietly, and on the other side, I inserted Annabelle. Dalinda's tail turned into a blaster, and Jack loaded himself.

"It's probably nothing. Let's keep going," I whispered as she continued to walk in complete silence. We reached the end of the hallway with openings to the left and to the right.

"Left," I whispered, recalling the map of the citadel as I turned Dalinda towards the left hallway. I quickly scanned through it. No goons, but the upper half of the right wall were red windows. There was seemingly a large room to the right side of the wall.

I leaned down against Dalinda as she lowered herself to crawl, preventing us from being seen through the windows. As she crept forward, I managed to peek through the window to see what was in there.

It was a huge testing centre of some sort. The length of the room was the length of the entire hallway. An impressive Mecha Bull stood in the middle of the room, with around twenty goons and ten scientists working on it. I recognised the mecha from the photos Eli had showed me. It was Doctor Blakk's mechabeast.

"Why are they still working on Blakk's mecha when he's already long gone?" I asked under my breath as I watched the goons fixing the wirings of the mecha.

I pulled Dalinda into a halt when we reached the middle of the hallway. Looking straight across the room that had Blakk's mecha in it, I spotted a metal door with a sign on it that says 'Control Room'.

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