60| Key To My Heart

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"Dad, I totally respect your decision but... you sure about this?" Eli asked the man sitting behind him on Dalinda. Since Lucky was smaller in size compared to Dalinda and can only fit one grown man, Eli and his father rode on Dalinda while I rode on Lucky.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, Eli. It is my time to rest," Will said in the passenger seat. "Think about it. I don't have to worry about being possessed by the Goon anymore!"

Eli and I chuckled softly.

"It would have been great with you around, dad," Eli said with a soft sigh. "But I understand, and I'm happy for you. You've defended the caverns for so many years, you deserve to spend the rest of your life not worrying about Slugterra. It's just that ever since I was a kid, I have always dreamed about riding around the caverns with you, and fighting off evil together."

"Aren't we riding around the caverns right now? And didn't we fought together to save Slugterra just days ago?" Will laughed. "Besides, the person you will spend riding around Slugterra with is Alessia. You won't have time for your old man."

"Come on," Eli groaned with a cheeky laugh. "I mean it's true, but you don't have to say it like that."

I blushed, looking away to hide my grin from them.

"So dad, where exactly are we going? We have been in this abandoned cavern mines for so long," Eli asked his father. "If I have to guess, we're heading towards the Gateway, but there is no reason for us to go there."

"The Gateway?" I gasped. Phoenix, who was perching on my shoulder, chirped happily.

"That's exactly where we're going," Will said as the automated metal doors at the end of the hallway retracted. We pulled our mechabeasts to a halt as the mighty ancient Gateway stood in front of us.

The Shane Gang had told me a lot about the Gateway, but I have never seen it in real life. Now that I am seeing it for the first time, it almost feel unreal. The ancient structure has been erected since thousands of years ago. The markings and symbols embedded on the circular rock structure was clear but seemed lifeless without the Elementals powering it.

Analysing the symbols on the structure, I learned that the symbol carved on the outer circle at the very top was the symbol of the 99 caverns. The symbols carved on the inner circle were the distant places where the Gateway can take us to.

Glancing at those symbols, I could identify a sun, that was the most obvious one. I wasn't expecting anything when I was looking through the symbols but when my eyes landed on one of them, it was as if a tiny burden that I couldn't shake off surfaced in my chest.

It was one of the circular signs, with a spiral in the middle.

Why does it look... familiar?

Oh please, don't be silly.

This is your first time at the Gateway.

No way any of these symbols can be familiar to you.

"Why are we here?" Eli asked his dad, getting my attention off the structure. Lucky and Dalinda walked forward, approaching it.

"Have you ever wonder how to get back up to the Surface?" Will asked as our mechabeasts bring themselves to a halt right in front of the structure.

Looking up at the Gateway up close, I couldn't believe how such structure exist. There is no way technology thousand years ago can produce such a unique structure, let alone designed it to perform its magic.

This may be proof that aliens exist.

"Always," Eli answered, taking a secret peek at me, before his expression changed as if he just realised something important.

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