Chapter 18

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Offender POV

Y/N....How do I say this.....she disappeared...

"....What. Did. You. Do." I turn my glare to Zalgo, he seem to be just as surprised as I am.

"I didn't do that..."

"Bullshit! Where is she?!" I yelled.

Slendy finally walks over, "What's going on?"

"Zalgo teleported Y/N" I glared at Zalgo harshly, I roll up my sleeves and stalk towards Zalgo, ready to beet the crap out of him. Slendy, unfortunately, grabs me with his black tentacles. "Let me go! Imma rip him apart!!"

"Brother...It's no use, he is telling the truth he didn't teleport her...she did."

"What?" Both Zalgo and I look at Slendy.

"She doesn't have magic yet...I thought." Zalgo mumbles under his breath.

Slendy rubs his arch between his sockets while sighing, "It's a fight or flight reflex."

So Y/N is safe....Good I don't know what I would do without her, "So where is she?" Zalgo broke me from my thoughts.

"Oh hell nah we ain't tellin ya!" I glare.

Zalgo glares back and snorts, "Whatever 'll find her on my own~" With that he disappears in a blood red smoke cloud, filling the room with cackles.

Slendy releases me. "She's in the realm of souls."


My feet gently land on the white abyss, probably the floor but who knows all I see is white. I really did it! I teleported to safety- do I get back? I look around worryingly looking for some kind of exit or any thing to lead me out.

I start to walk, but as I take my first step gravity seemed to Zero out. I immediately start to levitate, twisting and turning trying to grab something. I open my mouth trying to call for help or scream...but only a husk of words come out.

Like a whoose of air~

This is worse than Zalgo! I rather be strangled than floating in the nothingness without the ability to speak.

Just as I thought things were bad enough, I hear something in the distance...Footsteps. I jerk my head towards the sound hoping for someone to help me or at least get me out of here.

A black shadowed figure heads towards me. I could only watch them get closer and closer....and closer.

They stop in front of me, their feet planted on the ground unlike mine. They....didn't look human....more like a fading shadow or a dark cloud in the shape of a young girl. Her eyes seems to be almost pure white. The fog draping down on the back of their shoulder, back and head must represent hair. Long hair in fact. She looks like a little girl....but she only has eyes, which gazed deep into mine.

"Hello" Her voice echo and fades in and out like someone was messing with her voice volume.

I open my mouth but nothing....

She tilts her head letting her hair sway as if a small gust of wind blew her hair to the side.

"You don't realize you're in the void?...The living can't speak here,"

So that's why...

"I'm Caroline. You must be Y/N the next Shadow Witch."

Caroline Witstean....She's from the book! I remember her story....

I move my lips to form the words, "Caroline Witstean"

She flinches slightly, "....You read the book...?"

I nod.

"Heh, Thank the lord. No one reads the damn book anymore." She starts to walk away but as she walked I moved too as if she was pulling me. "You might save the Shadow dynasty after all."
Last dynasty...? What does she mean...?
She continues to walk thru the white emptiness until I started to see a blue sky, clouds and green grass.

"You can talk now. This is the only area you can speak."

"Where am I?" Those words drifted out my mouth weakly.

She looks at me while putting my body down on the cushion grass. "This Place has many many names....The void of the Fallen Chosen, Realm of Souls, Shadow Realm and other names. But to us it's Heaven for us Sinners."

I look around at the beautiful scenery, there was an actual sun here.

"Nothing here is real. Don't think it is."

"O-oh I see..."

Caroline sighs, "The others are busy right now...why are you here?"


"Zalgo?! You teleported here because of Zalgo?!"

I nod.

" might be the one!" She hugs me.
"!" I hug back and smile.

"You're very strong mind willing...but you can't be hear for long."

"What why?"

I cock my head, "Why?"

"Well it's draining your energy...and the longer you stay the bigger the chance you'll fail the trial."

"What is the trial?"

"I-....I can't tell you or else you'll automatically fail it."

"Oh..." I take a good look around at the unbelievable view. It was almost too good to be true. I want to live here....

"You should get now. Before you get attached."

"What do you mean Attached?"

"You'll find out the next eclipse."

"I'm so confused please explain!"

"The Eclipse is what triggers the trial and the powers of the Shadow queen. In order for that to happen is complete concentration." She pushes me somewhere.


"I can't really explain but it'll come to you when the time comes!" She shoved me into a black hole.

"Hey!!" I scream.


I land on my right side and groan. "FFFFFFFFFF-"

"Y/N!" I look up to see goo...well shit. "You ok?!" It was offender.

"Everything hurts...." I complain.

I hear him walk to me and I felt him wipe my eyes with his claw like fingers. "Well I mean I'm surprised you're not out. You teleported let alone to another Dimension."

"Yup Not tired just in pain."

He chuckles a little which makes me blush lightly.

"I'm just happy you're alright Love~" And theres that tone I know and love.

"Hehe missed me much?" I teased a little.

"You know it~ now let's go before my brother gets out here and screams like a child dropping Ice cream~" His arm slithers around my body and lift me away.

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now