Partners Of Crime

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Howdy Cuties! Currently, I have a partner in this works! Their name is @ScreechingBanshie and they are the ones who help me thru this story! So Anything you wanna say Banshi?

...Ummm Hello I guess...

Tell them about that story you're doing!!!!

Well, it's not really cute...or funny... But if you like drama and action I guess my story is for you... It's call "The Wendigo Queen" It's not out but feel free to follow me so you can get the notifications on when it comes out....or whatever you don't have too I don't have any control over you. But here's a sneak peak...

"Alex!" A familiar voice comes from behind me.

Perking, I look towards the voice. My eyes grew wide, my jaw slightly drops. Anger started to brew in my body...It was Yukia.

She smiles, "Long time no see!" She pretends as if nothing had ever happened. "You look great."



"It's not Alex lost that right to call me that...In fact I'm going to only accept Ms. Gem from you."

"What? Alex-"

"You don't have that right anymore! We aren't friends..." I scolded her.

She bites her tongue and glares at me, "What's gotten into you?"

"Oh I don't know...maybe 3 weeks without anything then 2 weeks of me thinking we were gonna be found because a certain someone was supposed to find help..."

She goes cold. "Look...I was scared that I would get in trouble..."

I felt my eye twitched, she's giving me every reason to beat the shit out of her. I glare at her more, "That still doesn't give you the right to not go retrieve help Yukia."

"I know and I'm sorry." She says blankly and without emotion.

"...I..I don't believe you...and after what happened to me I will never believe you."

" 'What Happened To Me'? Really Alex?! It happened to all of us!! It's not always about you!" She shoves her finger in my chest and pokes, "I was down there too! Cindy, Ruben and Jeff was!"

I slap her hand away and give her a grim look, "Their all dead Yukia........."

She freezes, "What...?"

"Dead! Their all fucking dead~!" I step closer to her and tower her, "You fucking left us with a fucking animal, monster whatever the hell it was!! And it got them....their dead...because of you..."

She steps back and raises her hand, she brings it across my face. "You should've died too...Coward..."

I flitch, "Coward?....Coward?!" I laugh like a mad person, "You can't fucking talk you little spoiled brat~" I grab her by the collar of her shirt and grip it. "You weren't down there as long as we were...We were starving...and I still am! No matter how much I eat I'm still hungry...I'm permanently scarred Yukia...all because you didn't get help." I let go of her shirt, "That's a true coward..."

She starts to stutter and fight back with words then stops because she knows I'm right.

"Go home Yukia...We're strangers now and nothing can change that."

"Alex?" Amare runs up and hides behind me looking at Yukia.

"It's alright Kiddo, This stranger was just leaving."

Yukia held back tear then walks away in defeat, "You'll come crawling back...I swear you will Alexandra." And then she was gone.

"Who was that Alex? She said your name."

"No one...just some stupid psycho.."

Wow! Looks good! But let's see if the audience likes do my a favor and follow @ScreechingBanshie

I'll post soon Cuties!

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