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Hours later
My body feels violated...I can feel every inch of my body shake and tremble.
I never thought I would be raped...
Tyler was next to me sleeping peacefully and clinging on to me like a filthy rat.
My hands are still bound together...Tyler better be glad I'm stuck...only god know what I would've done to him.
Tears swell in the corners of my eyes but I don't dare to make a sound...because the fear of him waking up is real. He might touch me again....
The heavy tears stream down my eyes. Where is everyone?? Have they forgotten about me...?
Do I even matter to them...?
Tyler moves around next to me, which causes me to freeze.
He yawns and groans. He then sits up to stretch, I shut my eyes to look like I'm sleeping.
I can hear his back pop and snap as if he had a wonderful sleep....fucking bitch.
"Y/N I know your awake." He taps me on my bare chest. "Stop crying ya big baby."
I snap my eyes open and glare at him, "Don't touch me asshole..."
"Good morning to you too~" He grabs and yanks my hair, "be polite~"
I clutch my teeth and nod.
"Good girl~" He gets out of bed and stretches...he seems bigger than he usually was. "I'll be back for round two Y/N~" He walks away with heavy footsteps.

Definitely bigger.

I look around to find anything useful. I can see where I am at more clearly. The room seems clean but Tyler doesn't take care of it...leaving clothes everywhere-
...There's a body in the corner of the room...I squint a little...It's B/N....she's dead.........I'm too late...
I began to cry softly.
It was all my fault...I wasn't fast enough! I should've helped- asked Slendy to bring her in with me. Now she's gone...
I moan in pain and agony. Knowing it's all my fault...
My fault....
.....I should've killed myself that day...

"So you sure this is gonna work?" I asked unsure.
Slendy was planning to teleport all of us to Zalgo's house. In different areas so we can ambush them.
"I'm positive- it's our only way in. We can't exactly ask him to let Y/N go." Slendy told me while he packs Sally a "snack box". We'll be gone for awhile.
Jeff walks up from behind me, "Everyone is ready sir."
"Good, Offender get ready."
I give him a thumbs up, "I've been ready you guys take too long."
Everyone in the room rolled their eyes.
Slendy shakes his head and snaps his fingers. Like any other teleportation I appeared in a patch of woods outside of Zalgo's Mansion of all sorts of abominations. Zalgo's likes to create and morph things into monstrous creations...horrible really. I look around to see if anyone was near. When the close was clear I creep over closer to the side of the building.
The other proxy are taking out anything that could be a threat to our mission...I'm coming Y/N.
I tap on a window gently...and wait....
One of the so called abominations open the window.
It had multiple eyes on its face as well as tumor like things on its forehead. It had three arms with grotesque features.
Quickly, I grab its neck with my tendril and-
Placing the body in a bush, I slip in the mansion.
Oh I'm going to kill everything I see...
And Enjoy It~

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now