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We both sat in silence waiting for our orders to come in. The silence was dry and bitter...that's how I knew he was worried or angry. 

"I have an idea." He spoke with no expression. "What if you just stay in my brother's mansion till this entire this is over?"

The eclipse is in a few days so that means no exploring and staying indoors. "But that's a good 48 and some hours indoors." I protest. "I'm getting cabin fever thinking about it already-"

"I know...but you have to stay inside for your safety, most of everyone inside is fond of you and I'm willing to bet they'll protect you." He gives me one of those it'll be ok looks. "And you can finally relax." I feel his warm hand touch mine.

 I went back and remembered Y/B (your best friend) being taken and tortured. "What about Y/B...? I can't just stop not worrying about her/him/them/apple"

"I understand that but you have to realize that we got it under control."

I give him a slight nod.

Once again as soon as we ended the conversation it was dead. The order came, we drunk/ate our orders and we left to go lock me away.

Back at the mansion

"Welcome back Y/N" Slendy greet us at the door.

"Hey, I'm gonna head to bed early..." I sulk to my room.

Offender POV

"What's wrong with Y/N?" Slendy gives me a glare, "What did you do?"

I groan, "Nothing asshole, she/he/they/apple were almost kidnapped by their Ex..."

"Tyler? I thought he was killed and disposed of."

"...Zalgo changed him into something more dangerous."

Slendy's  face changes to a more concern motion, "I didn't think Zalgo had enough power and energy to do that."

"I told Y/N that she/he/they/apple should stay home and only inside."

He nods, "I agree. That's smart to keep her hidden from Zalgo and safe within the area."

"Do you think he'll try to sneak inside?"

"Of course he will this is Zalgo we're talking about." Slendy thinks for a moment. "I'm sure I can put up some kind of protection spell."

I nod, "What about Tyler? He learned to teleport already."

"That will be a problem,"

I nod again. "I should really go check up on Y/N. She/He/They/Apple are probably mad at me." I walk towards the room she's staying in.





I look towards the noise, Y/N bedroom. I run to her room and bust thru the door.

It was Tyler! He had something in his hands, the shadow demon....How? How did Y/N conjure the demon?

Tyler glare at me as he struggles with controlling the shadow demon. "Stay still you bitch~!"

I summon my tentacles to grab him but before I could do anything more, Tyler throws somethin in my eyes blinding me.

"Fucking Hell!!!" I wipe my eyes feeling a burning sensation. It's fucking holy water. I let my tentacles take control of themselves and flare out everywhere trying to find him.

I could hear him growl and hiss at me but that sound quickly disappears........Did....Did he get away with Y/N?

Hey Cuties! Sorry I haven't sent anything in forever. It's because I had lake of Motivation and kinda let my ADHD out. Also I'm sorry for the short chapter hopefully I'll have some ideas. I was thinking of doing one big story but each chapter involves a different ship! Let me know what you guys think! Thank you for being patient with me!!!! <3

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now