Chapter 19

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So nothing much is really happening much just a bunch of mind games and Slendy messing with my mind a bit. But nothing tooooooo weird.
I flop on Offenders bed, we just finished up on training, and Smexy does the same.
"That was Exhausting to watch~"

"Oh really? Well I was the one who had to suffer."

He sticks his black tongue at me, "It was painful for me not to cry for you~"

"Mhmm~ Sure." I smile and shake my head.

"What I was~!"

"Oh whatever! You enjoyed my suffering."

He inhales then stops, "You right~ you right~" He raps his arms around my small body while laying his jaw on my neck.

"...Do you think I'll pass the Trials?"

"Hm? Of course you will! I know it."

" sure are you...?"

"Like 100%"

"You lie!"

"Fine maybe 99.999%"

"Nice I like those odds."

"Yeah you should~!"

I giggle as my phone dings, "Hm?" I pick it up from the nightstand.

Unknown Number~

"Who's that...?" Offender said with a little defense/over protect in his voice.

"I...don't know actually." I felt him loosen up. I tap the message with Offender looking over my shoulder.

"Hello again Y/N! It's your friend Zalgo~ I wanted to let you know that your friend and I are havin a wonderful time together! Unfortunately, We broke up because she felt unsafe towards me."

My heart starts to beat fast but I had to keep reading.

"Don't worry! We made up! In fact she's living with me on her own will...She says she misses you! And she wishes to see you very soon~ If I know'll come to see her right? After all, I don't know how much time she has left~"

There was an image after the long text. I click it and held my breath...I felt Offender move or flitch at the sigh of it. It was B/N..............She was tied up against a wall, blood pouring down her forehead, arms and body. She had stitched in some of her wounds.

"B/N..." My voice shakes as I sat up.

Offender does the same but gets out of bed and walks out, "I'll be back."

"Where are you going...?"


"I'm coming!" Anger and sadness filled me.

"No, you're clearly upset...Stay here, calm down and relax. We'll handle it and get B/N back." He says softly while he puts his trench coat on as well as his hat. "Alright?"

"..." I nod and hung my head low.

Offender sighs, "Cheer up Y/N..." He walks to me and places a kiss on my head then with that he teleports.

My eyes burn with the realization burning into my soul.
I felt pressured and stressed for the pass weeks...becoming the..."Shadow Queen" is making everyone expect so much from me. Now this!!
I'm so so sorry.....
I rub my face.
My eyes water up more, I blink multiple times causing tears to fall.
Offender is right...I need to train- no matter what, it's ether I my Best friend........
I stand- "I need to do something....but I can't..."
I walk out of my room with my phone to the exit.
I'm not going...I know you probably hate my judgement but I need to get stronger to where I can help...and I don't know where they are. So in the mean time I need to do my part until they come up with a plan.
A few moments later Y/N is at the park Jogging.
Time- 10:38PM
I've been walking around for about 5 hours now, I still can't take my mind off of the kidnapping...I sigh.

I pull my phone out while I slowed down.
"Hey you've been gone for awhile, you ok?"
I sigh...and type.
"Yeah, just walking off some tension. And maybe trying to out run my problems..."
Dot dot dot...
"You want to get some coffee? I've got some news Btw"
"Sounds good how about Starbucks?"
"Meet you there Love~!"
I smile, he's an odd one. Even in a serious moment he can lighten up the mood.
I begin the jog towards the Starbucks about jade a mile away.
Pitter patter went my feet.
Pitter Pitter
Patter Patter
I stop immediately. I look behind because of the each steps....but nothing...
Not again I thought.
I turn and jog faster. Instead of pitter patter it was Thump Thump.
Thump Thump
There it is again, the echo...instead of stopping I start to run.
"Where are you going Y/N~?"
I felt warm air on my right ear. That voice! I leap sideways away from it.
Sure was Tyler...b-but how?! I snapped his neck....
"Miss me~?"
No something was different about him....he was way taller...bloody...he bares a toothy grin...similar to Smexy's or Zalgo's. His teeth were stained with blood, horns sprouted his head, curving back. He no longer had fingers but instead...claws.
"..." Words were trapped in my throat.
"Stund~? Good good~ I tried to get like your boy toy~ a monster~"
"...I thought you died..." I croaked.
"Oh I did! But you know~ Selling my soul for this power kinda brought me back Y/N~"
"To Who?" Glaring.
"Hm...Zalgo I believe~ I work for him or whatever~ and what do you know~! My mission is to get your dumbass back to him~" He slurs while getting closer. "He wants you Y/N~ he wants you as his Queen~"

Plot Twist~!! Hoped you guys enjoyed this and be sure to like, comment and Follow~! See ya Cuties~

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon