Chapter 63

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I walked downstairs with a frown. Daddy was gone because he had to help Jeremy who is now a hunter. Which I find stupid. He lives with vampires.

It sucks because he's gone, and Stefan is sad because Elena is fawning over daddy. Amelia is staying with me but I want my daddy.

Uncle Nik is locking himself in his house being a baby. Amelia said he's sad or something, I wanted to go see him but I can't. I just wanna see him, I don't want him to be sad.

Everyone is busy doing everything and the worst part is today it's my birthday.

"Oh, you're up! I made pancakes." Amelia smiled and I saw a plate of black squiggly pancakes. That looks like burnt worms.

I grabbed a fork putting it inside the crispy, hard pancake. It barely went through.

I miss Ric.

"Yeah, no, I'm good." I moved past her getting a bowl for my cereal. This is why I missed, Ric he was here every morning to make me food because daddy couldn't. EVERY morning.

I grabbed the pop cereal. Before I poured my cereal I poured Max some dog food. He shook his head and I got him some ice cream out of the fridge.

"There." Amelia looked at us strangely "What is that?" She asked eying it, "Ice cream but it's for dogs so don't eat it." I told her and she nodded.

I finished fixing my cereal and sat down, "When is my dad coming back?" I asked and she sat in front of me. "I don't know, why don't you give him a call once you're done." She said and I shook my head.

"I'm good." I said grabbing my bowl to go up to my room "You're not gonna sit and eat?" Amelia asked and I shook my head.



Stefan came into my room knocking, "Elena's here." He said and I nodded following him downstairs. I was going to the memorial for Carol Lockwood.

She died a few days ago, Nick and Ty have been taken it pretty hard. Nick won't even talk to me, I don't know why.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Elena handed me my jacket, "Bye, Stef." I waved and he smiled waving not looking at Elena once.


I went to sit next to Nick who was sitting on the first row. "Hey." I whispered sitting down next to him and he looked up. I was hoping he'd talk to me now, but he glared and turned away.

My face dropped and I looked down at my lap, "You know he did this, right?" He mumbled and I tilted my head up, "Klaus." My eyes widened and I shook my head.

There's no way he'd do that. He's not that evil.

"No. He wouldn't do that, he wouldn't." I defended my uncle and Nick scoffed, "Maddy people don't just drown in a fountain. Tyler messed up and my mom paid the price. Vampires Maddy, they don't care. They'll do whatever they want to whoever they want, we can't live on both sides." He blew out his candle walking out of the gym.

I looked up at Tyler who was looking at me. He gave his candle to Caroline following Nick out.

I huffed listening to Liz talk.

Did Uncle Nik really do that? Would he?

Once the memorial was over I went looking for Elena because she had disappeared. I was wandering the halls when I sensed someone behind me.

I turned and vines grew from the ground around the person. "Mads." Stefan choked and I jumped letting him go.

"Sorry." I whispered and he stood up breathing heavy, "Where's Elena?" He asked and I shrugged "I don't know. I was looking for her."

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