Chapter 24

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I groaned opening my eyes slowly, I looked around and saw Elena sitting up slowly.

She looked at me and put a finger to her mouth, signing to be quiet. I want to go home... back with Dammy.

"You didn't touch them did you?" I heard a female voice asks "Give me some credit, so you called him." A man said.

We got up, trying to find a way to escape..we could've made it out but Elena made the wrong move.

"You two! There's nothing around here for mile, if you think you're getting out of here you're tragically wrong, understand." A woman moved closely to us.

I looked at her hand and didn't see a ring or bracelet on it, and her neck didn't have a daylight necklace.

"Wouldn't matter you don't have anything to protect you from sunlight." I said, Elena sent me a glare.

"Who's Elijah?" She asked...there's an Elijah in my dreams but I doubt it's the same person. "He's your worst nightmare." The woman said.

She walked into another room "Why are we here?" Elena asked "You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them." She said

"Why won't you?" I asked her "That's another one, but if you must know we were only out for the doppelgänger." She said

"You got us? It's not like we can go anywhere the least you could do is tell us what you want with us...well me." Elena said

It's hot in here "Do you have a fan?" I looked around "I personally want nothing, I'm just a delivery service." The woman said

"To this Elijah man." I said looking around for something to cool me down "2 points for the eavesdroppers." She said

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" Elena asked "He's one of the vampires the originals." She said.

"Could I have some water, oh and a burger I'm starving." I said they gave me weird looks "What do you mean the originals." Elena said

"Again with the questions haven't the Salvatores been tracing your vampires history?"

"They don't know who they are, if they did I'd know." I said "So you know Damon and Stefan." I was really bored.

Elena kept asking the same questions over and over again, so I went back to the spot I was when I woke up.

I sat in a spot with sunlight so they wouldn't attack me. I felt something under my leg... a piece of paper.

Stefan and Damon are coming for you two ~ B

I ripped it up, so they wouldn't see. I closed my eyes and laid down, what I'm tired ok.

I woke to yelling "He's here! This was a mistake!" The man yelled "No I told you I would get us out of this, you have to trust me." The girl said.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!" He yelled, so that's her name "He wants her more." "I can't do this, give them to him he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here!" He yelled

"Hey, what are we?" She asked "2 vampire kidnappers." I mumbled "A family...forever."

"Someone scared." I said "Stay here with them and don't make a sound." Rose said and left. "Oh did I tell you Stef and Dad are coming." I said to Elena

The guy was too scared to pay attention to us, she looked at me shocked and nodded.

A guy in a suit came and he sped to Elena, he leaned down and smelled her neck. "Human, it's impossible." He said

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