Chapter 40

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Isabella POV
Uncle Nik and mommy left leaving me here with Miss Katherine and another boy, he kind of reminds me of my Uncle Kol.

The door unlocked and the guy that was here last night was there. "Look who's dumb enough to come back." Miss Katherine crossed her arms.

"Well somebody had to invite him in....Damon would you like to, uh, come in?" He said and my eyes lit up at the sight of my Dad.

"Daddy!" He stepped in and hugged me "Maddy." He sighed and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's not her." The boy here said and my dad let me go. "What?" He asked "You know how she blanks out and turns into what's her name." He said

Dad groaned "Ok, baby listen to times over we need you to come back out. We can get you and Nick home back to your Aunt Jenna, your brother and sister...can't believe I'm saying this Stefan." He said

I scrunched my face up "Who are those people?" I asked "What is up with her?" Miss Katherine asked.

The boy Nick sighed and walked over to me "Sorry Maddy." He said and raised his hand slapping it across my face.

Madison POV
There was a burning sensation on my face "Ow! I'm gonna murder you in your sleep!" I yelled at Nickolas.

"Enough with the family stuff, why are you here? Are you trying to get us killed?" Katherine sped to Damon.

He sped her to a wall "I gave you vervain, now I'm here to collect. I got it from here Ric." Damon said.

"You sure?" Ric asked "Yeah only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get to the house keep Elena from handing herself over." Damon told him.

Ric nodded and waved at me and Nick heading off.

"Get blamed for what?" Katherine pushed him off her "I need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf." Damon said.

I looked at Nick, I would tell him if I knew but I don't. "Why?" Katherine asked "Dead werewolf equals no ritual." Damon said.

"No! You can't kill him!" Nick yelled and Damon turned "You can't interfere, Damon. Klaus will kill you and everyone you've ever met." Katherine said.

"I just need to delay this thing." He said "No. no way." Katherine moved pass him "You should like this. It's gonna buy you another month of your pathetic life." Damon said

He thinks Katherine is getting used, she isn't but I don't know who is. "Yeah, he's not using her." I said.

"Yeah. He has my brother and Caroline." Nick said "Meaning I'm in the clear." Katherine smirked.

"Where'd he get that idea from?" Damon stormed towards her "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get myself out of here. The little twins over there are lucky he won't do anything to them." She pointed at us.

"What if I told you we had a way to keep Elena from dying." He said "What?" Katherine and I asked.

"Imagine how much fun it would be completing with her for Stefan's love and we know he'll turn her so you'll have forever." Damon said.

I smiled and Katherine gave in "The tomb, he's got them in the tomb." She said "Thank you." Damon said.

"I'll be back." He looked at me and Nick heading out, we followed him to close the door. Nick tripped landing outside the door.

Damon turned "How?" He asked I stepped closely to the door, putting my hand out. I smiled able to get through.

I turned I Katherine who had wide eyes "Bye! Have fun! Hope you don't make it out." I waved
I ran inside the house, seeing Ric. I smiled and hugged him

"How did you get out?" Ric asked and I shrugged "I think he took the spell off." I said "Where's Nick?" He asked.

"He went with Damon to get Tyler." I said he smiled and hugged me again. "Where's Elena and Stefan?" I asked.

"I don't know, I got here house was empty." He said I looked around for Max. I left Ric to look for him.

I got in my room and gasped covering my face. Blood was all over, the animals piled around.

"What happened?" I asked and they all turned "It's Thumper." Spinn said and I shook my head confused.

They moved out the way and Thumper was laying, blood over him and he wasn't moving... he looked dead.

"Is he?" I asked "Yeah." Molly whispered my mouth fell open and a tear fell out my eye. It look like somebody made a snack out of Thumper.

"What happened to him?" I sat down, Max crawled onto me. They all looked at each other "Don't get mad." Lyric said.

"Your uncle ate him." Spinn said and I was mad. How could Stefan eat one of my best friends like that.

Doesn't he know what to and not to eat.

It was hours later we had buried Thumper. I walked into the house and saw Ric and Stefan talking.

"Where have you been, we were worried." Stefan said and I turned away from him "What's wrong?" He asked

I ignored him "Maddy Klaus has Elena we have to go." Ric said I turned and followed them to wherever we were going.

I'm mad at Stefan and not talking to him ever again, but we have to save my sister from being sacrificed by Amelia and Klaus.

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