Chapter 10

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We're at the grill for Stefan's party/unknown party.

"Hey, munchkin listen...the council is on our backs I have to prove we aren't vampires." Dammy said.

"But you are a vampire." I said "b it they can't know that...I have a plan but it's not something anyone will like." He said and I nodded for him to explain.

"You know Lexi, well...the point is I have to do something you now Stefan is gonna like." He said "like vampire stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, I need you to go hang with Stefan in case something happens." He said and I nodded. Damon took me by surprise and hugged me.

"Why are you hugging me?" I asked "because I am." He said and met me go "off you go." He said I hopped off the stool and ran over to the pool table where Stefan was.

"I want to play." I said "did Damon send you over to try and convince me into something?" He asked I shook my head.

"Well then." He said and handed me a small stick "I'll go easy on you." He smiled and he hit first.

Sheriff Forbes came and took Lexi, is this apart of Damon's bad plan? Stefan and Elena followed to save her, I followed behind them.

Lexi was walking towards Sheriff Forbes when Damon stabbed her and she turned gray like Vicki did.

Elena and Stefan ran off, I was about to go back inside but everything turned black.

"Where am I?" I looked around I was in the woods, but it looked different. I heard voices and screams.

"Stop! Please don't!" I heard a little voice yell I walked towards that way. I saw a man with red eyes and veins under his eyes like Stefan and Damon.

He's a vampire....there was a little girl under him. He was holding her arms "you're a Salvatore, a founding family member." He said and bit into her neck.

"Get away from my Granddaughter you demon." An old guy said and shot him, the vampire fell over yelling in pain.

The man stabbed him with something and ran over to the little girl. "Isabella? Isabella?" He called holding her but she didn't move or make a sound.

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