Chapter 21

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MADISON POV Damon came and picked me up, even though stefan just dropped me off at home

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Damon came and picked me up, even though stefan just dropped me off at home.

"I made a mistake, Mads I kissed, Elena...well Katherine." He drove speeding.

I was shocked "You did what?" I asked "Earlier when I went to your house, I kissed Elena." He said

"Why'd you do that?" I exclaimed "Because, sometimes I do things I don't have to do." He said I rolled my eyes.

"Wait what did you say about Katherine?" I asked "Oh, yeah it wasn't Elena I kissed it was Katherine. She's back." He said and I fell back into the seat.

We were quiet "So why'd you kiss Elena?" I asked again and he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"If it makes you feel any better I didn't do it because I liked her." He said and I rolled me eyes.

"Hello I'm still here." Elena said from the backseat of the car.
We burst into the house, and Stefan was on the ground "Stefan." Elena said

"Elena." He breathed heavily "What happened?" She asked "Katherine happened." Dames said.

"Woman certainly knows how to makes an entrance." Damon said "wait she said she fooled one of us what-what does that mean?" Stef asks

"That means she pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight." Dames said and I shook my head

"Ooh you're in trouble." I teased him "I told jeremy I can't lie to him anymore." Elena came downstairs

"Are you alright." Stef asks her "no I'm not I thought with all to tomb vampires gone thongs would get better." She says

"I know we all did." He says "Katherine was invited into this house what are we Gonna do?" She asks

"Move." Dames says "I call Damon's house." I raised my hand "very helpful thank you." Elena said

"Katherine wants you dead there's zero you can do about it, you would be dead but you're not so clearly she has other plans." Dames said to her

"Right and we need to find out what those are and not provoke her in the process. what happened tonight when you thought she was elena?" Stef asks

I laughed, he glared at me 'Shouldn't have kissed her' I whispered

"To risk another frown line encroaching on that crowded forehead of yours we...kissed." He said "and you thought it was me?"she asked

"what do you mean you kissed." Stef asked, doesn't he know what a kiss is.

"Well you know when two lips picker and they go." Dames teased making a kissing sound. Stefan sped to him but he sped away

"Don't be obvious stefan." He said and Stef was about to go at him again "I don't get paid enough for this." I mumbled and laid down on the couch.

"wait he kissed Katherine not me...I wouldn't do that." Lena said, Elena is like Bella on twilight.

Next thing you know she's gonna kiss him because she doesn't want him to die. I know how this works.
We're at the lockwood's, because Mayor Lockwood died. Dames said he was effected by the device, like I was.

I looked around trying to find, Damon but I couldn't find him.

"Elena." I said when I saw her, since when did she wear leather. 'That's not your sister' I heard in my head

"Madison what're you doing alone?." She smirked, since when does she smirk. She's spending a bit too much time with Damon.

'Katherine' the same voice said. "You're not my sister." I said she tilted her head.

"Ooh You're smart, how about we keep this a little secret between siblings." She smirked "No you're the bad guy you tried to kill my uncle." I said

"Sorry about that it's was necessary." She said and looked me over "You are a powerful one aren't you." She said

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Why does everyone think I'm powerful, last person who said that ended up dead.

"Sure you don't, Hmm I swear I've met you before." She said "You look exactly like my sister so maybe." I said

"No that's not it, there's more to you." She giggled "Well bye bye little sister it was nice seeing you." She waved and left.

"Mads." Dames walked up and I hugged him "Katherine." I said, he growled and picked me up.
We're finally home, Damon told me the real reason he kissed Elena.

He thought kissing her would make him feel better about the whole Amelia thing. I guess he was wrong, because he's still moping.

I sat in my room with Max looking out my window. "I love the night sky, I wish I lived in the stars." I said.

Suddenly my window flew open, Max and I started to float all the way onto the roof. "Wow." I looked at the sky.

Max looked at me, tilting his head and I shrugged "I don't know how that happened." I said and he made a noise.

"Now that's just rude." I said to him and he barked "Ok maybe you're right." I said to him and he laughed, and sat by me.

It's weird I can't talk to him like I can with the animals, but I know what he's saying...he just doesn't talk.

It's complicated. "There are stars you haven't seen and loves you haven't loved, there's light you haven't felt and sunrises yet to dawn, there are dreams you haven't dreamt and days you haven't lived." I mumbled, and Max looked up at me strangely.

"And nights you won't forget and flowers yet to grow, and there is more to you that you have yet to know." Someone finished for me.

I turned and saw Katherine "How'd you.." she cut me off "I was already here." She said and sat next to me.

"How did you know the rest of that?" I asked her "Someone I once cared about used to say it." She said

"Who?" I asked "Amelia." She said and I looked up at her, so did Max. "But you betrayed her, you ruined what she had with Damon.." I stuttered.

"Because I'm Katherine Pierce it's what I do." She said and looked down "I think the real question is how do you know that?" She looked at me.

"I don't know." I said which was true, I just looked up and it came out. Like something I've always known.

"You really have no idea what's going on with you do you?" She asked and I shook my head "No." I said.

She laughed "Such an innocent child, it's a shame it won't last." She said "Why are you here?" I asked her.

"Doing what I do best, causing trouble." She smirked and I froze, is she gonna hurt me "Don't worry, I won't touch you I actually like you." She said and stood up.

"Same can't be said for your father." She said and jumped off the roof "Damon." I whispered, however I got up on the roof was the same way I got down.

When I got inside I saw him laying on my bed, Max and I hopped on the bed and cuddled up to him.

He wrapped his arms around me slowly, and held me tight. I know he doesn't want to talk about what she did, so I'll ask him tomorrow.

"I love you, daddy." I whispered "I love you too, munchkin." He said slowly and pulled me closer, I closed my eyes and fell asleep holding Max.

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