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- 3 weeks later -

Taehyung laid cuddled up against Jeongguk, inhaling the male's smell while gently braiding Jeongguk's hair that was growing longer. Jeongguk was busy with his phone, trying to order some books for his college.

"I have to leave soon", the older male grumbled out underneath his breath. Taehyung himself found a job at a gas station, and Jeongguk at a small supermarket.

"I know, I will cook for us tonight", Jeongguk said, clicking his tongue. "Mm, focus on me", Taehyung mumbled out, giving Jeongguk's hair a slightly pull. "Asshole", Jeongguk said, turning his phone off though.

He turned around and Taehyung pulled the younger male into a sloppy kiss. Jeongguk kissed back, his hand grazing against taehyung's neck, slowly tangling his fingers into the male's hair.

After a few seconds Taehyung broke the kiss. "I should really go", Taehyung said. "I am gonna miss you", he whipsered out.

Soon enough Taehyung was standing behind the counter in the gas station. "Gutentag", he said once a male walked inside. His german was not the best but he could speak it a bit.

"Hello good evening sir", the male said walking up towards the counter. "How could I help you ?", Taehyung asked, more than happy the male did not speak German. "Do you know where this address is ?", The male asked, sliding a note onto the counter.

Taehyung's eyes would scan the address. "That is my address", Taehyung said, raising an eyebrow. "What is your name?", the male asked. The situation was confusing Taehyung, a lot.

"Kim Taehyung", he answered, pointing to the name on a tag his shirt. "Do you know Jeongguk by any change ?", the male asked. Taehyung would slowly lean a bit against the counter. "Are you a cop ?", he asked underneath his breath.

The male snorted, shaking his head. "No, my boyfriend is Jung Hoseok", the male said. Taehyung's lips would part. "Is he here ?", he immediately asked. "He is in my car, yes", the male said. Taehyung would suck in a breath.

"What are you two doing in Germany?", taehyung asked, now finally asking questions himself. "Bringing your own boyfriend home", the male said.

Before the male even could finish the sentence Taehyung stood up more straight, eyes glancing out of the small window. "Is he here ?", he asked.

The male nodded his head, he pushed the door open. "I know you are working but could you at least tell us the way to drive towards your place ?".

Taehyung shook his head. "Jeongguk also is at work. My shift ends in thirty minutes. You all could wait in the small cafeteria if liked", Taehyung said, pointing at the door behind him.

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