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Namjoon walked inside the candy shop, smiling once he saw Hoseok standing behind the counter

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Namjoon walked inside the candy shop, smiling once he saw Hoseok standing behind the counter. "Hello, how could I help you?", Hoseok asked as he glanced up.

Namjoon hummed, walking over to the counter. "Hello Hoseok, I would like two pink lollipops", Namjoon said as he leaned onto the counter. Hoseok hummed, pointing at the back of the shop. "On the left side", Hoseok said.

Namjoon nodded his head as he slowly made his way to the back of the shop, taking two pink lollipops before laying them onto the counter. "Still something else you'd like?", Hoseok asked quietly.

Namjoon nodded, "the blue energy drink behind you", Namjoon said. Hoseok slowly turned around, glancing at all the kinds of energy drinks. His heart beating a bit faster as he felt the eyes of Namjoon on his back.

He slowly took one of the energy drinks as he placed them onto the counter. "No, a blue one", Namjoon said as he glanced at Hoseok. "I know, it's hard to take a blue one when you can't see which one is blue", Hoseok mumbled quietly as he placed the energy drink back onto the shelf.

Namjoon glanced at Hoseok before walking behind the counter himself. "You are not allowed to come behind the counter", Hoseok said as he looked at the male. Namjoon hummed as he took Hoseok's hand and laid it onto one of the energy bottles. "That's a blue one", Namjoon said.

Hoseok slowly nodded his head. "Alright, alright. Just don't touch me", Hoseok said as he slowly pulled his hand away and placed the energy drink onto the counter. His hand slowly pulled Namjoon away.

Namjoon just rolled his eyes as he laid some money onto the counter. He didn't even care if Hoseok was being bitchy to him. At last, Hoseok talked to him, and just holding Hoseok's hand for a second could drive Namjoon crazy maybe because of his obsession with Hoseok or maybe because of how perfect Hoseok's skin felt.

Hoseok took the money, before putting the stuff in a plastic bag. "What happened with your nose?", Hoseok asked quietly as he handed Namjoon the bag. "Oh, Taehyung beat me up", Namjoon said.

Hoseok's heart broke once he heard Taehyung's name. The male he loved for so many years. He missed that male so much, but he knew he was better off without him. Without somebody who couldn't control his anger.

But on the other side, nobody was as perfect as Taehyung was. For sure Namjoon was handsome, but Hoseok knew that Namjoon wouldn't be a good person to hang around with.

He smoked, he drunk, and Hoseok wasn't like that. He didn't want to do things like that, not at such a young age as he was now. He didn't want to be like that, afraid that his younger sister would follow him in the steps he made.

Namjoon frowned once he noticed that Hoseok got lost in thoughts. "Something wrong?", he asked quietly. "No, just memories. Have a nice day Joon", Hoseok said as he bowed a bit.

Namjoon sighed. "Just know Hoseok, I would never hurt you as much as Taehyung did", Namjoon said before turning around on the heels of his shoes. "Give me one reason to trust you", Hoseok said.

Namjoon slowly turned around. "I don't need reasons, I always get what I want", Namjoon said as he laughed softly. Hoseok sighed, shaking his head. "You can't force people to stay by your side Namjoon. Trust me", Hoseok said as he looked down at his desk.

"Oh Hoseok, soon enough you belong to me. Just wait and see", Namjoon said before leaving the shop. Hoseok just shook his head as he stared at the place Namjoon stood a few seconds ago.

A sharp sigh left the male's lips as he took a candy out of a bowl that was standing on the counter, actually for kids that would visit the shop so he could give them some but it was not like the chubby woman who was the owner of the shop would mind if Hoseok ate one of them.

"Namjoon, what are you even doing to yourself. You are not the person who will color my world", Hoseok mumbled quietly while chewing onto the candy. His eyes glancing outside once he saw a police car stopping right in front of the shop.

Hoseok frowned as he slowly left the shop, his eyes glancing around at the chaos. His eyes widening once he saw Taehyung being cuffed while Namjoon was laying onto the ground, blood covering his body while a gun was laying right in front of Taehyung's feet.

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