Dracula's Interview- Minoru Mineta

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The King of Vampires frowned as He stared at the file for one Minoru Mineta. The kid wasn't meant to be in this school. Not with the record he has.

Before interviewing the students, he has went on to all their schools, except for Todoroki and Yaoyorozou. He's made lists of their failures and accomplishments.

Strangely, there were two copies of Mineta's file from his middle school. His official file showed no negativities while the secondary file showed a massive report of sexual harassment. This was buried within the schools files. Likely bribery or corruption on the school to give him a chance at the school. He would bet his mustache it was the latter.

Before any more could be said, the door opened to reveal the little purple student. "H-hey teach. I'm next to be interviewed?"

"Hello mister Mineta. Please have a seat." Dracula gestured to the chair.

Mineta jumped up onto the chair and stood on the chair, due to his small height which made Dracula question if he was a teenager or a small preteen child.

"Now, the way this will go down is, I will be asking you a series of questions and I want you to answer to the best of your abilities. Understand?" Dracula shifted the papers around as Mineta gulped and nodded profusely.

"Name is Minoru Mineta. Age 15. Quirk is called Grape Shot. Correct?"

"C-correct, sir."

"What was middle school like for you before U.A?"

"W-well it was nice, I guess. Had a lot of awesome chicks in the school-" Before more could be said, Mineta palmed his own mouth. Dracula stared at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Thank you for your time, Mineta."

"W-what!? But I thought you had more questions!" Mineta screeched with wide eyes.

"I have all I need to know. Good day, mister Mineta."

"B-but but-"

"I said, good day." Dracula said it with a dark restrained tone, warning Mineta. 'If you want to continue living, you will get out now.' That was the message behind the voice.

Using an impressive bout of speed, Mineta ran out, leaving the door wide open.

'Coward.' Dracula thought as he shook his head. He tossed the files out and pulled out the next file.

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