Interactions and Offers

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Dracula stared at the computer screen with his hand to his mouth in contemplation. He looked at the list of interns offered to his students and kept looking at Midoriya's count.

It was after class and Dracula was in the Teacher's Lounge, trying to figure out why Midoriya had seemingly lost all his internship offers. Shoto's little interruption was stuck in his mind. Was this sabotage? That's what was confirmed. But the real question was, who did it?

A hand slid onto his shoulder, making Dracula look behind to see Midnight. She didn't have her sensual smirk on her face. She frowned slightly at him "What's wrong Vlad? You're usual more talkative."

Dracula looked back at the screen and released a breath. "Someone sabotaged Midoriya's internship offers. He had the highest count in my class and then they just disappeared. It is not even a glitch. Something else is at play."

Midnight looked at the screen before sighing and shaking her head. "Poor boy. He did so well in the tournament. Especially against Todoroki, even if it was extremely dangerous."

Todoroki... Todoroki... Todoroki... Todoroki... Todoroki...  Todoroki...  Todoroki...  Todoroki... Todoroki...


There it was...

Dracula's eyes widen as he finally realized it. He stood up and started walking out of the Teacher's Lounge which left a very confused Midnight behind.

Dracula marched to the Principal's office and was about to knock on the door when the little rat said "Come on in, Vlad!" He sighed as he slid the door open  and walked into the office where he sat down on one of the two empty chairs.

"I assume you figured out who sabotaged Young Midoriya's offers?" Nezu asked politely with his paws intertwined together.

Dracula looked at him with a flat look that hid furious rage. "You and I both know who did this."

"Indeed. What do you intend to do about it?" Principal Nezu asked before taking a sip of his tea. The King of Vampires closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. This did nothing as he declared through grit teeth. "I won't kill him... I'm going to destroy him. I'm going to ruin him."

Nezu had a sadistic grin that showcased his shark teeth as he cackled lightly. "Excellent! We will begin shortly, but for now, you need to work on getting young Midoriya an internship."

Dracula took a deep breath and finally felt calm before nodding and standing up. "I'll see if I can call in a few favors." He walked out of Nezu's office and fished his phone out of his coat. He went to his contact list and searched for one in particular.



Ace was having a rather difficult time trying to handle chopsticks. He could not properly close them enough to catch some of the rice in the bowl. "I say, at this point I won't even be able to eat before our next class!"

Scarlett chuckled "All it takes is a little practice, dear." One of her ears flicked as  she took a bite of her sushi.

Momo had eyes of pity before speaking "Excuse me, Ace. I can show you, if you'd like." The plague doctor student looked up at and nodded "Oh would you please? I'm rather starving."

So Momo showed Ace the proper finger placement and after a few tries, the card dealer got a good grasp on the chopsticks. "Oh you're a bloody God send, Miss Yaoyorozu!" He exclaimed which made her blush at the compliment.

He lifted the mask up slightly, not so everyone can see his mouth but he could put the rice in his mouth. He pulled the mask back down. Jiro looked at Ace and asked "So Mötorhead, huh? Any other music you like?"

The New Teacherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें