The Aftermath

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Dracula stood in front of the window where multiple doctors performed surgery on Midoriya in the room. His arms spread out as two doctors hovered over his head. Various bloody tools placed on tables. Seeing Midoriya's eyes be poked by scalpels and even scissors, made Dracula sick. Despite seeing the most gruesome deaths, even causing some of those deaths, to see what's happening to Midoriya... It was too much.

Dracula placed a hand on the glass, guilt weighing heavy on his heart. He pressed his forehead against the window with his eyes closed. He hasn't felt this guilty since... He hurt Weiss. Now several of his students are injured. One by him and the rest by a killer.

He barely registered footsteps approaching towards him. Until a hand was placed on his shoulder. Making him spin around and pull his arm back with his sharp claws, ready to pierce someone's throat.

Rumi Usagiyama raised her hands swiftly. "Hey hey! It's me." The King lowered his arm and released a sigh. She  lowered her hands and looked over his shoulder at Midoriya. She released a shuddered breath as she placed a hand over her mouth.

"Fuck..." She whispered before turning away.

"His eyes are damaged... Beyond repair."

"Will you be able to do anything about it? With your powers?" Rumi asked, with a hint of desperation in her voice. Dracula sighed.

"I can't give him a new pair of eyes... Not without turning him into a monster like me."

Rumi scoffed and shouted. "Bullshit! You turned that girl into a fucking vampire! And you were the one that nearly killed her! If you can do that, then you can fucking help him! Or are you giving up on him?"

This was the wrong question to ask as Dracula glared at her with burning eyes of red and his fangs bared. "Don't you dare say that! I'm not giving up on that boy. I'm not giving up on any of MY students. Not like you, where you left him alone."

When he finished, he blinked and his anger snapped away. Leaving regret at the sight of hurt on her face and her rabbit ears lowered in hurt.

"I-I'm so sorry." Dracula said to which she shook her head, her platinum blonde hair waving around.

"No. You're right. It's my fault he left. I told him to stay while I dealt with that fucking thing." Regret seeped into her voice with tears brimming from her eyes.  Dracula brought his arms around her in comfort.

The Rabbit Hero started to cry softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Dracula gently rocked her back and forth as her cries turned to sniffles and whimpers. It hurt the King to hear her cry. She was more of a battle hardened woman when they met, this was rather new for her.

Multiple footsteps approached the pair, to which Dracula glanced to see a man with a dog's head in a suit. Along with a woman with shoulder length blonde hair slicked back in a Navy blue suit and pencil skirt. However, one everyone was all too familiar with was the Number Two Hero, Endeavor.

Dracula released a low growl which made Rumi look at him before following his eyesight to see them.

The two broke the hug and stood still, while Dracula's eyes glowed bright red and Rumi was glaring. Specifically at the woman.

"Vlad Tepes. Rumi Usagiyama." The woman greeted with a degree of coldness in her voice.

"Hero Safety Public Commission President." Dracula said with the same degree.

"I'm Kenji Tsuragamae, Police Chief of Hosu. Woof." The dog man introduced himself with a bow to which Dracula and Miruko bowed back.

"What do you want?" Dracula said towards the President to which Endeavor glared. "You will show her respect."

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