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AN: Hey guys, as of writing this, the votes were:

Miruko: 5

Gran Torino: 4

So Midoriya is interning with Miruko! Sorry for those who voted for Gran Torino.

Anywho, onto the chapter. This one won't be so much a chapter as it will be a summary as I don't have enough brain power to try and show the students being taught. I'll try my best though, so my apologies if this seems a little lackluster.


Before anyone knew it, it was the day everyone was heading off to their internships.

Dracula was rather proud to watch his students walk off to the trains heading to where their internships were located. After looking at the interns that were submitted to him, there were some that were questionable. At least in Dracula's opinion.

Originally, Momo Yaoyorozu wanted to intern with Uwabami. The Vampire King never liked the snake haired hero because of her personality and preferred to advertise her own merchandise instead of working on saving people. He had some interactions with Uwabami and each time, he nearly wanted to rip her head off.

So he spoke to Momo about changing her internship. He offered her to intern with the R-Rated Hero: Midnight, which surprised the student but she started to see why Midnight would work. And so Momo and Midnight were heading off to their train, not before the teacher kissed Dracula's cheek.

Ace got an internship offer with the Ninja Hero: Edgeshot, which was rather exciting for the British exchange student. Himiko decided to take an internship with him as well.

Scarlett Frost took an internship with the Dragon Hero: Ryukyu to which Dracula believed to be a good choice for the French student.

Urakaka decided to go with Gunhead which the teacher approved. She certainly needed combat experience.

Tokoyami took the offer from Hawks which would be something interesting to see the end result of.

Iida went off to work with Manuel. That one was very confusing, that was until Dracula found where Manuel was stationed in. Hosu City. Where Ingenium was attacked and left paralyzed. Suddenly it all connected to why Iida went with such a miniscule hero. Vengeance.

Even Midoriya was worried about Iida. Dracula pulled Midoriya aside and said for him to look after Iida, to which the green haired student promised to keep tabs on him.

Hitoshi scored an intern with the original class 1-A teacher, Shota Aizawa. Sooner after the Sports Festival, Eraserhead was released from the hospital. Dracula announced, the day before internships, that Aizawa retired from being a teacher at U.A and continue his underground hero work. While everyone didn't know him very much, they still wanted to thank him for teaching them and protecting them.

So they all wrote in a card and sent it to him.

Jiro took an intern with Present Mic which was rather surprising but because he also dealt with sound, she figured he could give her some tips and points on her quirk and fighting.

One by one, his students took an internship with heroes of different calibers.

Though the most surprising internship was Midoriya interning with the Rabbit Hero: Miruko. Dracula himself smiled internally at the choice because it would be a good stepping point to get Miruko to work with others. Dracula was an exception because of his brutality and sheer tenacity.

Midoriya thought he could incorporate his quirk into a fighting style perfect for him. While he really wanted to meet the mentor of All Might, he believed he could benefit more from a fighter like Miruko.

It was almost time so Dracula had all his students gathered in front of him. Dracula instructed them.

"Now, be respectful and listen to your heroes as if I was the one speaking to you. Don't hesitate to call me if you have trouble or wish to leave early."

"Yes sir!" The class said in unison before bowing. Dracula smiled "Now. Get to your trains, and be safe."

One by one, the students dispersed towards the bullet trains reserved for the heroes-in-training.

Little did some of them know, this week would change their lives. Forever


AN: Hey guys. Like I said, sorry about this chapter. This really is just a tiny set up for the Stain Arc. I will be putting more effort on it because then the events will really start to kick off!

So please bare with me, my friends! Take care you guys!

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