The Truth and the Trip

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AN: Just as a quick note I'm not going to be doing the I-Island trip because I haven't seen the movie. Maybe if I actually get around to watching it I'll do a separate small fic just to explain what happened. But for now, treat it like it never happened.

The camping trip was nearly here. Everyone was excited, so was Midoriya. He couldn't wait to learn all he could to try and better his quirk. Despite the bad ending to his and Yaoyorozu's date. They were honestly hoping to do another date. They contacted each other and agreed to have another date after the camping trip.

They even talked with Ace and Ashido who also were on a date and they actually got a little further than them. They actually got to first base, much to the surprise of everyone but they supported the duo.

As of right now, Midoriya, in his very own dormitory, was looking over the items and clothes he packed up for the trip  when he got a knock on his door. He walked to the door and opened it to see Dracula and All-Might in his shrunken form.

"Ah! Mister Tepes! A-All-Might! What can I do for you?" Midoriya shook and stood rigid in their presence.

"Calm down Midoriya." Dracula said with a sigh.

"Can we come in, Young Midoriya?" Toshinori Yagi asked to which Midoriya gulped before nodding and stepping off to the side to let the two teachers in.

They walked in and sweatdropped at the sight of Midoriya's room. It was filled to the brim with All-Might merch. Including plastic statues, posters, and even the wallpaper was color coded to All-Might's costume.

"Midoriya, we need to have a talk later about this." Dracula said looking at Midoriya who became embarrassed.

"A-alright sir." Midoriya looked down to which Yagi sighed.

"Well what we really wanted to talk about is important. Specifically about One-For-All and its origins."

Midoriya's head snapped up as he looked at them. "O-ok."

Yagi grabbed a chair from his desk and set it in front of the bed. "Please sit down, Young Midoriya and listen very carefully."

Izuku sat down and looked at them and Dracula started the story.

"You see, One-For-All began over two hundred years ago. When quirks were first introduced to the world. It was a time of chaos. Societal progression stagnated, governments collapsed and hate and fear had spread."

Yagi continued. "While those with quirks tried to live, the quirkless made hate groups in hopes of stamping out those they considered less than human. Much like the Neo Nazi groups against those of colored skin. The ones with quirks lived in fear. However, there was one that could've been seen as beacon of hope to them, all he ever did was spread more fear. His name... Was All-For-One."

Midoriya had a shiver go down his spine at the name. He could already tell the implications behind that name.

Dracula picked it up from there. "All-For-One could take and give quirks as he pleased. He took quirks from those who didn't want it or because it would suit his needs. He gave quirks to those who would serve him, however the physical and mental strain of having multiple quirks, especially when they weren't trained, had become mindless minions."

"Like the Nomus?" Midoriya asked to which they nodded.

"Exactly." Yagi said. "All-For-One ruled Japan's criminal empire, spreading chaos. However, he had a quirkless little brother who was frail and sickly but had a strong sense of justice. The little brother wanted nothing to do with All-For-One's reign. All-For-One himself gave him a quirk, whether out of pity or a sick need to control his brother, nobody could be sure. This quirk wasn't very spectacular on its own. Merely to stockpile power. Power, the younger brother didn't have."

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