As the Blood Flows

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Midoriya dodged a knife slash to his chest before back flipping away from a sword trying to take his head off.

Things weren't going well at all. First Iida decides to look for the Hero Killer, Midoriya and his mentor are separated, Nomus are attacking Hosu City and now he's fighting the infamous killer himself.

Suffice to say, Midoriya was not having a good night.

Iida, laying on the floor, shouted with a strained voice "Midoriya! Leave! This is MY fight!"

The green haired student growled in annoyance "Iida! Shut up! I'm trying to not get killed here!"

Midoriya slid down to swipe Stain's legs from under him. However, the Hero Killer managed to flip back onto his feet and growled before the ground before him was littered with ice. Midoriya looked behind to see Todoroki stare at him blankly. "Next time you send your location, don't have it be with the infamous Hero Killer."

"I'll be sure to send it with someone less." Midoriya said before looking back at Stain. "Don't let him ingest your blood. He'll paralyze you." The Killer smirked, as if he was impressed by how the kid managed to deduce his quirk.

"Well well, what a brilliant mind you have. But it won't save you!" Stain tossed some more knives which Todoroki blocked by making an ice wall. Stain bursted through the wall and manage to cut the two toned student's cheek. He kicked Todoroki away before dodging the haymaker Midoriya sent. Stain backflipped, kicking Midoriya in an uppercut kick. With his steel toed boots with spikes attached.

Blood seeped out of Midoriya's chin and under his jaw, making him grip it to stop the blood from spilling profusely. "Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted while clutching his chest before suddenly freezing and falling onto the floor.

Midoriya looked at Todoroki and hissed "Fuck!" Midoriya turned his eyes towards the Hero Killer whom was menacingly walking towards him.

"Look at you all. You're naive little kids who think you can become heroes in a society where so many fakes reside? You haven't seen what I've seen. But you will. I'll make you see!" Stain tossed a knife towards Midoryia who managed to dodge it but fell onto the floor. He got up  off the floor when he looked up, there was a flash of silver and then darkness...

Midoriya could only scream in agony which people could hear all throughout the city.


Yaoyorozu was having a difficult but rewarding time with Midnight.

She rolled her head around, popping her neck bones before laying down on the bed. She sighed and looked at Midnight who was currently brushing her hair while in a bathrobe.

There was certainly a lot more to her than what met the eye. She was flirty and loved to make people squirm and lower their guards with her seductive voice before going in for the kill.

She was like a siren, and that's what Midnight wanted to instill into the young creating hero. How to use your body and voice as a weapon.

It was rather enlightening for Momo to learn. That and the added lessons from her teacher were helping her boost her confidence.

She was broken from her thoughts by the ring of her phone. She pulled it out to see Midoriya sending a message. She opened it and saw... His location. Hosu City. She texted in the group chat asking why he sent that location when he replied to everyone saying:

The Hero Killer!

Her eyes widen and she looked at Midnight. She jumped from her bed "Mistress!?"

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