66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb

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66: The Day My Bodyguard Dropped a Bomb

Biya's POV

The next days have been really peaceful. No one has bothered us and no more threats have been made. Although Martina still refused to talk, I was glad that a thorn has been removed. Emil and I were finally have some time to breathe after months feeling the tension and worry burden us both. The Moretti family have been informed also and I still couldn't forget their reactions of what had happened especially dad. Emil's family has also been informed and to say that both our families were angry and shocked by the news were a little of an underestimation. Looking at Emil and Geno both sleeping peacefully beside me on Emil's king-sized bed, it felt surreal that after years that I have fought my monsters alone, I finally have people with me I wanted to protect and love forever. Love. I stopped staring at them and got out of bed. Have I fallen deeply in love with Emil again? My heart skipped a beat at the thought. I clutched my nightgown to where my chest hurt. I felt like I was having premature ventricular contractions. Emil has not spoken those three simple words that meant a lot to the world. I was his girlfriend, yes, but we have not talked about that topic for a very long time. We have started again and here I was thinking about something I wanted to have and also feared to admit. Love was such a strong word for us in our past relationship and I knew it still is today. We both knew the value of love but we broke up. Thinking of the moments we had now, I couldn't help but compare our relationship before and what we have now. Drastic changes have been made in both of our lives. In our past relationship, we both consumed each other to the point of no return. We were both devoured by the fire which sparked our love. There was passion igniting our hearts and yet I broke up with him because of his infidelity. I bit my lip at the memory. I knew it was a bitter and ugly memory and it left a nasty taste on my tongue. Rushing to the bathroom, I locked the door and tried to breathe as the memory of him with another woman on his bed flashed in my mind. Love. It was such heavy word and he told me those three words that tied me to him in ways I wanted to be bonded with in his life. He loved me. He said that before and he cheated. I knew the fact that he got drugged by that sly actress was a factor but if he really loved me, he should have listened and trusted me. He should have avoided her. I shook my head at the thought and went to the sink to wash away those thoughts that invaded my mind early in the morning. After doing my business in the bathroom, I left the room still feeling lost with my own thoughts. Why did I have to think of love? Why did I have to overthink everything today? Saying "I love you," to someone is such a huge commitment and thinking about me falling in love again with Emil scared me. We have both spoken those words before and look what it got us. It broke us and it was a miracle that we survived and we made up. Did Emil really fell in love with me before? Or was that only infatuation? My chest constricted at the thought. What if we repeat our mistakes? What if he leaves me for another woman again?

"Good morning, ma'am." Mina made me snap from reality as she greeted me in the kitchen. She was holding a cup of coffee with its steam coming out steadily.

"Oh! Good morning, Mina." I replied sending her a smile before going to the coffee maker to get myself some coffee.

"Take good care of Geno, okay? We're going out later after my shift." I said and she nodded. I need some time to think. I could see her eyes shooting me a glance as I thought of my relationship with Emil. For some reason, I have this anxiety overtaking my mind that he'll leave me after all this. It was irrational and yet I can't stop thinking about it. He did everything he can to protect me from Martina and her accomplices. What if, one day, he'll realize that I've been a burden? What if he meets another woman that is better than me with no problems? Does he truly accept having Geno in my life or was he just making an impression? Did he only want sex like Zeke wanted from me? I shuddered at the memory of Zeke trying to have his way of me and him having a bitch who could provide him what he wanted that he couldn't get from me.

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