80: The Day Love Burned Brightly | Part 1

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80: The Day Love Burned Brightly

Part 1

Emil's POV

After my small talk with the journalist whom I came to know now was Dennis of a news agency in America, I went back to the suite only to see Biya walking with her physical therapist. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and her skin was radiant now after months of recovering. Despite her only in a hospital gown and her fluffy white slippers, she looked beautiful as ever.

"Oh! You're back!" Her face glowed more radiant and her lips drew into a beautiful smile. God! She's breathtaking. Her unmatched beauty was always a breath of fresh air I would always need.

"Hey beautiful!" I waved at her, jogging to meet her halfway. Her cheeks went flush and she bit her lower lip before she went full-blown blushing.

"Do you feel tired, Miss Beatrice?" Her therapist asked.

"No. Let's keep walking." She responded before she started to walk again using her crutches. She limply did that and the therapist and I both walked slowly with her. There was pure determination in her eyes as we walked by the hallways and I was proud of her pushing through.

"If you feel anything that makes it inconvenient for you to walk, tell me, Signorina. We don't want you to stress your muscles out."

"I will, Riza." She smiled at her. Her therapist looked at me, nodding before watching Biya and guiding her on how to not put too much pressure on her worse injured leg. It might take a few more months for her to fully recover and strengthen her leg muscles as they told me but I knew Biya would make it. She was one strong and determined woman. We continued to silently walk by the hallway when I heard a scuffle down the hallways to our right. Three men with cameras on hand suddenly came to a halt in front of us, their eyes wide with surprise. I immediately stepped forward and shielded Biya away from them.

"Hello gentlemen. How can we help you?" I asked. I won't lie. I was tense. They were probably here to try to look for her. I heared Biya come close behind me. These fuckers. If they do something to spread false rumors, I'll have their heads. The memory of her getting scared from all the cameras being directed to her flashed back and anger began to brew inside me.

"What are we going to do, miss?" I heard her therapist whisper.

"Just stay close. Let Emil handle this." She whispered back. I clenched my fist and put my other hand to the side to make sure Biya gets blocked out of their view.

"I got you on your side, Signorina." I heard Riza speak to her in a calm manner and it gave me a little assurance that her therapist was helping us in this sudden ambush.

"I asked you a question. How can we help you?" I repeated to them and their initial shock faded away with the blink of their eyes.

"Uhm..." Click. The man on the left took a photo of us with his camera he held just by his stomach. I heard Biya gasp behind me before she pressed herself against my back.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get out!" I cursed. Then, a few more clicks were heard; a rapid fire of photos being taken was heard. I pushed myself to step forward but the thought of having to leave Biya's side daunted on me and I immediately stopped. Damn them! Where the fuck were the bodyguards when needed?!

"After them!" I heard Marcus shout by the distance. His voice triggered fear in their now wide eyes. It might have come to their senses that they were being chased by my bodyguards as they all bumped against each other before scampering.

"Are you okay?" I asked Biya, turning back to see her just watching the three men getting chased by my bodyguards calmly.

"I'm fine. I don't think I was seen. I hid pretty well behind your back and Riza helped by blocking them on my side." She sighed in relief.

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