17: The Day I Met a Duplicate

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17: The Day I Met a Duplicate

Emil's POV

After the day my parents gave me an advice that made me felt better, I didn't stop seeing her. Just looking at her laugh and enjoy made me smile but I still have a stinging pain inside me seeing her happy with the other man. I could see that she's having a hard time studying everything for the exam but she would always keep her head up high with books in her hands. Now, it was the day of her exam and I took a leave in my office. I didn't go to her nor even see her. I went straight to the church and prayed for her. Damn but I did pray for her to do her best and let God guide her through her exam. I kneeled and prayed for thirty minutes straight and I didn't even know that I took that long to pray for her. I stayed there for the mass and still have my prayers for her. God! I know she's doing great but give her extra help today. I want the best for her and this is my way to do it. When I was done, Gabriel called me asking for my whereabouts. I told him I just got out of the church and he told me to get into a local bar three blocks away from where I stood so I started to walk. Many had recognized me as I passed by, whispering things, gawking, and taking pictures of me. I just let them and walked silently hoping I would reach my destination without anyone blocking the way. Of course someone blocked me and judging by how expensive his camera was, I assumed he's a photographer. He was wearing a black shirt, black jeans, and black running shoes. The colors contrasting his attire were his hair which was dirty blonde and his eyes which I noticed where light blue.

"Hello sir!"


"Can- Can I take a picture of you?" He fiddled with his camera. I continued to walk while he still followed me.

"What for?"

"I just want to emotions." He replied meekly.

"You're not a professional photographer?" He shook his head.

"No sir but I am a hopeful one."

"You like this?"

"Yes sir. Very much." With the expenses he gave just for that camera, I'm impressed that he's pursuing his passion.

"Can I see your photos?" I said and he carefully handed his camera to me as if it's a diamond. Of course it's precious to him. He must have earned it so hard just to buy this and I wouldn't be in the way. I like people like him. Pursuing the career he likes not caring how expensive it is as long as it gives him satisfaction and happiness. I played the pictures back and saw that he really had some good shots. I saw a woman having her coffee at a shop, an old man feeding pigeons, and multiple shots of a brunette; some of the pictures she's laughing, then she's smiling and at one end she's at the library reading a thick book and there's a stack of books beside her.

"Lady of yours?" I asked him showing him the picture of a woman I thought she's interested with.

"Uhm... no."



"Well, you obviously like her." I commented and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah..." He dragged and I laughed.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 22 years old, sir." He's got a nervous smile on his face. I slowed down and gave him his camera.

"Well, you have taken wonderful shots." A big smile escaped his lips showing his teeth.

"Thank you, sir. It means a lot coming from you."

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