55: The Day of Mind Games

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55: The Day of Mind Games

Emil's POV

Someone is rummaging in my kitchen. That's the first thing I thought the moment I walked out of my room early in the morning. I stretched my arms, rotated my shoulders and tilted my head from side to side to wake myself up. My butler and maid do not come up in this hour... It's only 4 in the morning.

"Who's in my kitchen?" I called as I approached the kitchen. The rummaging suddenly stopped and my steps slowed down to a halt once I saw who was messing up my favorite part of my house early in the morning.

"Emil! Oh gosh! Did I wake you up?" Her surprise could reflect on how wide her eyes were at the moment as if she was surprised by me. I smiled and began walking towards her.

"No. You didn't." I replied and she sighed before she raised a white cup up forward.

"Would you like some coffee?" She asked in this sweet voice that made me just want to hug her right now.

"Coffee will be nice."

"The usual, right?"

"Yep. Black." I replied before she turned around to make coffee. She was standing there at the kitchen aisle just waiting for the coffee to brew. I knew for a fact she's getting ready to go to work with her white long- sleeved collar shirt and black pants. Better to start the day with the woman I love. I smiled at that and slowly, I went behind her and closed the gap between us.

"Can I hug you?" I asked and she let out a small chuckle that gave me a soft and warm feeling.

"Of course." And there, I hugged her. With my hands around her waist, I leaned over to rest my chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning, Biya." I spoke before kissing her on the cheek. She giggled again. She turned to the side enough so she can look at me and smiled.

"Good morning." She spoke so softly and I melted right there and there. I snuggled against her and just stayed there.

"I really want us to have a time for ourselves." I grumbled.

"You will. You know how hectic my schedule is."

"I know and I'm so lucky to have you." I replied and she hummed her reply. She smiled for a bit before I noticed the way she shifted and then bit her lip.

"What's wrong?" I pulled back a little bit, my arms loosening up a bit around her.

"Can we take Geno with us?" Her eyes looked up to me with so much hope. How can she even ask me that? Of course he'll come. I didn't even plan on leaving that kid.

"Of course, Biya. No need to ask. He's really coming with us."


"Yeah. Why shouldn't he? That way, you can also spend time with your son." Her squeal and jumps surprised me and I laughed at the way she was acting so giddy.

"Woah!" I chuckled as she hugged me tight.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said before she kissed my cheek. Please kiss me more.

"Why do you look surprise and be like this? I mean, sure, it's good, but it's kinda strange ya know." I commented and she stopped moving, her smile fading into this blank look. Then, she let out a nervous laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you think I'm going to let you leave on a vacation without Geno? If you did, well, think again, Bi." One moment she was only looking at me, the next thing I knew, she was crushing me into a hug.

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