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A/N: Why was this chapter so hard to write? I've been trying to complete it for months, it's been driving me insane. ARGH!

Let me know your thoughts down below


My fingers fumbled on the hilt of my blade but I didn't have the strength to pull it free. I searched in all directions for the man behind the voice, settling on the rubble as he drew out of the shadows.

"To be honest, the new generation are just the worthless riffraff that failed to become Holy Knights. They're filled with contempt of those who are truly powerful and rage at themselves for being inferior. This ancient curse will only intensify those feelings and in time, it will consume them completely."

He had the same black patterning as Meliodas did in demon form. My heart raced. I'd felt the ferocity of Gilthunder's final attack and here he stood, looking no worse for wear. There didn't even seem to be a scratch.

"It can't be!" Kind exclaimed

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"It can't be!" Kind exclaimed.

"So you're still alive, Hendrickson," Meliodas stated.

I could read it in Hendrickson's eyes and smug smile – he was the cat that got the canary.

"Hendrickson?" Howzer questioned, most likely not quite believing his eyes that the half naked man marked with demon standing above him was the same conniving Grand Master who gave them orders.

"He looks different to before," Elizabeth stated and Meliodas threw out an arm to keep her behind him.

"Looks like he's got the demon blood in him too," Meliodas answered. The woman with purple hair stepped up beside Elizabeth as Gilthunder stepped forward, sword at the ready.

Leraj slid himself between me and Hendrickson, one arm out to keep me back as well. It rankled me but when he cut me a side glance with eyes flecked with red, I snapped my mouth shut pretty quickly. I'd never seen Leraj's eyes with red before. Perhaps I'd never paid any attention to his eyes or maybe this was something new, unlike his usual tricks and abilities. And if it was something new, perhaps Hendrickson was suddenly more dangerous than before, more dangerous than Meliodas in demon form.

"What an incredible blessing!" crowed the Grand Master. "When one is truly compatible with demon blood, it augments your strength and amplifies their magical powers. All that research and experimentation was worth it!"

I tensed, tingles and sparks in my hands and feet.

His crazed grin fell from his face. He levelled us with a serious glare, pointing in Meliodas' direction. "Now hand over Elizabeth. Do so and as one demon to another, I'll let you live."

"I'm not like you! See, you're not a human or a demon. You're nothing but a fool," Meliodas said.

He calmly said, "I can't say I wasn't expecting that."

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