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Another three chapters coming your way! I started writing chapter 47 and then I kept writing, and writing, and writing and now I've had to split it into two otherwise you'd be reading 3500 words for a single chapter 0_0 

I feel that I'm back to hitting my stride with the story now that I'm doing more consistent writing periods. My goal is to try and write over 500 words each time I open the word doc so that I can keep the flow of the story going. 

~ Enjoy! ~

How I made it to the roof, I'll never know. The tiles were slick under my bare feet and for a stomach-dropping second, I thought I'd fall.

Better just sit here. I plonked down fast and hard, taking a peek over the edge. The ground swayed this way and that so I withdrew my head and laid down. The chill air pressed down on me, raised goosebumps on my bared skin. I was in pyjamas now, a loose fitted nightgown that reach my knees. I reminded myself of human's old grandmas wearing it, but I liked the soft feel of the cotton against my skin.

The stars above expanded across the horizon, a streak of clustered stardust a diagonal cut through the sky. I wished the world would stop spinning, then time would still, and it would be frozen on this moment for all eternity.

The sense of dread I'd been trying hard to drown hovered close by. You didn't need to be psychic to know a war was coming. Hendrickson was amassing his Holy Knights, we had gathered all but two of the sins. It was inevitable that we would crash together, most likely in Liones.

At least we weren't at a complete disadvantage. We knew that Hendrickson had made a new generation of Holy Knights, I had insider information and Leraj was returning to Liones to keep Hendrickson occupied.

Without warning, my thoughts wandered to a taboo topic.

Was it so bad to like Leraj?

Yes, the reasonable part of me said. He tricked me, lied to me, instigated the capture for me in the town. No matter his intentions afterwards, they weren't honourable. They were born from the guilt of his wrongdoing. I shut my eyes and the thoughts scattered in the darkness.

"Men are dumb," I muttered, drifting off to sleep. I snorted awake and dragged a hand down my face. My mind felt partially clearer so I climbed back down through my window. A candle burnt low in the corner and I blew it out before tucking myself into the bed.

I burrowed my head under the covers, relishing the warmth that soaked my tired bones, then poked my head out. Heido stood in the middle of my room, a shower of green sparks dancing around his paws. He whined past the object in his mouth.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked through a yawn, fatigue settling like a weighty blanket. I didn't have the strength to give his head a soft pat as he dropped the item beside my pillow. It sunk a bit into the mattress and looked faintly like a book.

If Heido had brought it, that meant it came from Leraj – I dreaded waking up in the morning because trying to read human language with a hangover was bound to be worse than... well, I couldn't say a hangover and I didn't really know how reading could be made worse than with the aftereffects of alcohol.

Heido whined, making puppy eyes at me. "How many eyes do you have?" I whispered. He gave a soft yip and turned away, disappearing in another shower of sparks.

"This better have pictures, Leraj," I murmured as I disappeared into a fog of disjointed dreams.

I woke holding the pendant on the choker, with a headache that could split rock and a cotton- filled mouth that made me wonder if I'd destroyed a pillow in the night. My limbs didn't work how I wanted them to, all discombobulated, flailing about like a dying fish.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now