~~ FIFTY ~~

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A/N: I have returned and have been writing furiously. Please enjoy the coming chapters and let me know your thoughts in the comments below :)

The intense pressure knocked me clean out; I came to with Gowther nudging me in the ribs. The world beneath blurred into a giant green blob as we hurtled at light speed across the countryside. My body vibrated with a fearful, adrenaline filled energy that had my gut in knots and my mind unable to focus on a single thought.

"Everyone, get ready!" Meliodas cried.

We landed with a thud that rumbled the earth. Surprisingly, I landed with my legs widened, hands at the ready.

"Hurry up, Estra!" Ban was calling back to me; the others were already running towards the walls of the kingdom. I chased after them, drawing my sword free.

The castle loomed overhead, exactly as I remembered it. And before us, armoured men with weapons at the ready and shields raised towards us.

"The only reason we're here right now is to rescue Elizabeth," outlined Meliodas, "so try to keep the fighting to a minimum."

"Understood," replied Gowther.

"Yeah but we can still kick a little ass why we're here, right, Captain?" Ban asked.

"Time to put my sword skills to the test!" I shouted, taking a bounding leap into the air with a whoop.

The knights charged at us, the strongest, the toughest breaking from the pack and throwing themselves right at the captain.

"Go straight for the kill!" Meliodas commanded.

The Holy Knights in front called forth their powers: "Aura Burst! Inferno Curse! Plant Whip! Bullet Squall! Wind Shooter! Death Breath! Flick Stone!"

Meliodas drew his blade. "FULL COUNTER!" The shockwave knocked them all back.

With a roar, I threw myself into the fray. Instinct drove me forward, a puppeteer swinging my blade, deflecting blows, parrying jabs and dodging wild charge. The blade twirled easily in my hand, the weight balanced perfectly. The Knights hesitated, the screams and cries from those versing the other Sins ringing in the air.

Would I still have the upper hand if Leraj hadn't given me his motor memory? A vicious grin reached my lips as the Knights stopped hesitating and threw themselves at me. I dodged to the side with all the grace of a fox and brought down the full strength of a Holy Knight.

I cleared a path, left broken men in my wake. My aim was not to kill because these men and women who were just following orders; but I did maim a little, nothing too serious that a little lie-down and recuperation wouldn't help. Ban met at my elbow, a grin revealing his fangs.

"Having fun?"

"More than I thought I would with a blade," I said. The tingling of magic ran up and down my arms but I calmly took a breath and let it settle. Exerting my Mana would have to wait until the boss fight – for now, I could swing my blade and do just as much damage.


I ducked instinctively and Ban's leg spun in a roundhouse, taking out the man who'd been lunging at us.

"We better catch up with the Captain."

We carved a path through the knights. Meliodas was standing alongside Gowther on a knoll and they were looking towards the knights. They had retreated, lingering by the gate.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Have they just given up?" Ban asked. "Hold on, what's that strange power?"

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