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I skidded my way down from the fighting ring, blade drawn and tip squealing as I dug it into the side of the boulder. The wooden bridge – the only way off the rock – had been obliterated by a stray meteor so I had to find a quicker way down. Lucky my sword was made of the strongest steel imaginable.

Hitting the ground running, I scanned the crowds of screaming people. Two energy signatures flared to life; had to be two of the Sins. I opted for the closer one, which felt like it was on the opposite side of town.

Vaizel was in turmoil. Everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Buildings crumbled and sagged; crater holes marred the land. The wounded were assisted by the healthy as they were directed out of town by authority figures and even a few of the fighters from the ring. Taizo ran past with children on his shoulder.

"Mummy!" wailed a thin voice. Two children sat in the middle of the road, holding each other. They looked no older than eight. I'd regret it if I didn't help them. I sheathed my blade.

Without a word to them, I scooped them up, one under each arm, and continued my run. They started screaming but I think their fear of what happened around them overrode their fear of me because they clutched my arms and clothing with vice-like grips.

A Holy Knight with sandy blonde hair and a hole in his shirt was directing citizens out of town, along with an short, old man in green. I faintly remembered the Holy Knight from Liones but not his name.

"Hey!" I called out before passing the children to him. "Make sure these two get out of town. They're looking for their mother too so keep an eye out."

"Sure," he said, taking the children. Then he gave me a once over. "Are you another Holy Knight from Liones?"

"Estra," I replied. "You?"


Oh... Yeah, I still didn't remember.

"Keep funnelling the citizens out of town," I said, the pulse of the energy signature working its way through my bones. "I'll see what help I can offer over the other side." I was off before he could reply.

"...my hatred for you has brought me to a new level of strength."

I rounded the corner to see Jericho with Ban underfoot, a smear of blood on her thumb running over her lips lip lipstick.

"You're the one who made a woman of me. You will take responsibility," Jericho uttered then looked up. She saw me standing there and her eyes narrowed. "And don't you always seem to show up at the right time?"

The audacity of this girl to be condescending and arrogant in the middle of a battle against one of the strongest knights in Liones.

"I came to see if you needed assistance," I replied curtly. Better to play at being nice in this situation or Jericho would go chirping into Guila's ear about any supposed insubordination.

Jericho grounded her heel into Ban, eliciting a choking cough of blood. Her eyes held mine though and her lip was curled up in a sneer. "Like I'd need help from you. What was your job again in this mission? I can't quite remember."

I inhaled through my nose and dug my nails into my palms. Don't kill her, don't kill her. "Helbram has me on surveillance."

Jericho tsked and cocked her head to the side. "Aw, that's too bad. Now be a good dog and do what he says. You might be Hendrickson's little pet, Estra, but you're-"

Ban appeared behind her. His thick arms wrapped Jericho in a chokehold and held her steady. I drew my blade and advanced forward. He sent me a look and I stilled, poised, alert and ready. Jericho raised her blade then jabbed backwards, embedding it into his stomach. He didn't flinch and only drew his arms tighter around Jericho's throat. Her nostrils flared but she kept her mouth shut.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now