~~ NINE ~~

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"The Seven Deadly Sins... are you really that wicked? Were you all terrible criminals like the rest of the world says? And if you are, what awful crime did you commit?" Elizabeth's voice floated up the stairs and I halted at the top, paper and pen in hand.

Curious, I walked down the stairs silently and peered around the corner. Elizabeth stood facing the back of Meliodas, who seemed to be in thought about the questions asked. I never noticed before, but Elizabeth seemed to be wearing some weird get up.

Why is she only wearing one sock? And why is her skirt so short?! Groaning, I realised that it must have been Meliodas who dressed her. Which also begged the question on where he got all this women's clothing from.

"My crime, huh?" Meliodas looked lost in thought. "Well..."

"It seems to me that I just don't understand what kind of person you are," Elizabeth said sadly. "After all," she said louder, her cheeks turning red, "you saved me even though you had no idea who I was."

"The truth is... ten years ago, I travelled through Liones stealing any pair of panties I could get my hands on," Meliodas confessed.

"You got to be kidding!" Elizabeth looked mortified.

I, on the other hand, felt sick. How did we end up stuck in the company of this sick pervert? The paper crinkled in my hand and Hawk's head swivelled round. I flattened myself against the wall, heart beating hard.

Trotters clanked on wooden floorboards and as Hawk stuck his head around the corner, I clamped my arms around his snout and dragged him around the corner with me before he could make a sound.

"Shh!" I whispered harshly, only releasing him when I knew he wouldn't make a sound.

The other's didn't seem to notice the missing pink pig as they continued their conversation.

Meliodas was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, still talking. "...did was stalk a thousand pretty girls with perfect boobs and groped them all," he said.

"WHAT TYPE OF A MONSTER ARE YOU?" I screamed at him, revealing my hiding spot.

"That's just a joke, right?" Elizabeth asked, scared now.

"Oh hi, Estra." He deigned to answer me in a calm tone?!  "Yeah, it is," he said to Elizabeth.

"Please stop messing around!" Elizabeth pleaded.

"Or you're going to have a pencil someplace special," I added venomously.

"Is the truth that you committed a crime so terrible that you can't put it into words?" asked Elizabeth. 

All Meliodas did was tilt his head to the side and said, "Maybe."

Elizabeth looked taken aback and even I was wary of this man now. First a pervert and now some high profile killer; why did I decide to stay? Suddenly, the floor shifted violently to the side and I went flying to the floor.

Meliodas caught Elizabeth around the waist, face buried in her chest, and I threw my pencil at the back of his head. It bounced off before Hawk trotted over to the two of them.

"Knock it off," he stated.

Hawk's mother snorted, and I swear I felt the whole floor vibrate from the exhale of air.

"Hey, we're here," Meliodas announced. "This is our next well- spring of information. Vanya village!"

I got up and brushed myself off, then realised I was missing another vital piece. My piece of paper. The one with the horrible drawings of foxes.

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