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Book One Start Date: Feb 2017

Book One End Date: 3rd December 2021


And that concludes Fox of Greed, the first book of the Greedy Fox series. 

Honest to god, I'd always known how the book would end since like the twentieth chapter. I'd been champing at the bit for so long on getting it out to you guys but for obviously reason (i.e being the end of the book), I had to hold onto it. Chapter 69 had been driving me insane for months but I managed to find a more smooth way to join the fight and the end together! 

I hope that you've all enjoyed the story so far and are planning to stick along for the ride in book 2. I can assure you, it will be one hell of a ride. Estra's nowhere near done yet. Be prepared, for the power of Greed has yet to be fully realized. 


Ironically, I'm not good with words. Big thanks to all my readers, silent and vocal, who have stuck through to the end of this book. It really means a lot to me so thanks from the bottom of my heart. I hope that I will see you all in Book Two and look forward to all your comments once again! 

I'll let the gif below do the rest of the talking. 


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Book Two Start Date: 2022 

"That power you displayed, it was Greed, albeit only a fraction of it. There's a reason the heavenly beings hid me away in this dank cave. At it's true strength, it's the power to consume the world." 

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now