too nice // 30

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The weather called for clear and sunny skies all day, but I was beginning to doubt that it would stay that way. Fluffy, grey clouds loomed far in the distance. Maybe the rain would wait until after my date. The date I still felt pretty hesitant about. Kojima had been raving for the last week to me about the things he had planned. One thing I found odd though was how he wasn't bellowing it out to the rest of the class like he did everything else. He always made himself the center of attention, so I'm surprised he didn't want all of his "best pals" to know he was going on a date.

"I mean," I leaned in closer to Yamaguchi to make sure no one else in home room was eavesdropping. "He barely knows me. And he's never once asked about the things I like..."

"Well... maybe he's saving those questions for the date?" He suggested wearily. "A date to a cafe then the movies doesn't sound that bad."

I sighed, "I guess so. But is this wrong of me to go...? I don't feel anything towards him. I'm worried I'm leading him on... but it's probably too late to cancel?"

A familiar groan cut off my outer thoughts. "Oh please. Save it for someone who cares." Tsukishima grumbled. Of course even after he was the one who said we shouldn't be friends, he couldn't look directly at me or talk to me. Just talking around me with things that pertain to my conversation. I stood, glaring at him and seeing if he'd grow a pair to say that to my face. He didn't.

"With pleasure, princess." I said, clearly annoyed and frustrated. "I'll bring my concerns to someone who cares. Sorry Yamaguchi, I'm gonna go."

"Wait- TJ! He doesn't mean that." Yamaguchi tried to explain. But I stood my ground.

"I don't care what he doesn't mean! If he 'doesn't mean it' than he should learn to just say what he means in the first place." I had to work hard to sound firm. But deep down, I hated this. I hated being in a bad place with Tsukishima. I missed the teasing and playful bickering... I missed my friend. Turning on my heel I left them there to mull over what I said.

I think I know who to get some advice from...

Just before turning the corner and going up the stairs I tuned in to a conversation.

"You weren't there! It's like I was about to be eaten by monsters. You sure this is a good idea?" It was Kojima. I wondered what he was talking about. When I appeared before him he looked like he had seen a ghost. Or a demon. I mean he was talking to Fukuhara after all. The gang leader of the mean girls in class. No matter what I did to try and be friendly with them I was met with cold stares and rude scoffs. I'm pretty sure she never spoke more than five words to me or something.

"A-ah! Toshiko!" Subaru laughed nervously. "You ready for our date today?" I glanced to Fukuhara, who was watching our interaction closely through her pin straight bangs. I have to prove to her that I'm a nice person. Maybe she'll see I'm nice and not be so cold. I didn't mind having enemies, but enemies for no reason? In the same class? It seemed unnecessary to me. I gave Kojima a bright smile and scrunched my shoulders, trying to seem cute and friendly.

"Can't wait!" I thought I nailed it, but of course she just scoffed and pushed past me.

"See you later, Subaru~" she cooed. How did she manage to be menacing with everything she did? In her absence, him and I were left alone - awkwardly.

"Uh so... did you... happen to hear our conversation?" He asked dumbly. Hm? Why would he be concerned about me hearing their conversation...? I decided to play dumb.

"What? I didn't hear anything, Kojima. I was just trying to get up the stairs." I wasted no time in escaping his interrogation, just in case he could see through my lie. "I'll meet you at the cafe! Same time you said~" Thank god I was off my crutches, otherwise my escape up the stairs would have been drastically unsuccessful. As I walked through the hallway to my destination, I got lost in my thoughts. My fist was stuck to my chin as questions itched my brain.

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