lost my way to the slumber party // 54

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I walked briskly along the road in a busier part of the city, constantly looking up at the buildings then back in front of me to make sure I didn't bump into anyone. Finally after some time I found what I was looking for. Excitement quickly brought me inside and to the elevator, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I waited for the lift to open up.

The soft 'ding' kicked off my rush through the doors, where I almost ran into a blonde business woman. Granted she had barely looked up in time from her phone to avoid crashing into me as well.

"I'm so sorry!" I blurted. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

She bowed her head slightly with a small smile. "My apologies, after you." She allowed me entrance to the lift and the click-clack of her heels was the last thing I heard before the doors closed. Leaving me in there alone... and wondering which floor I had to go to. "Crap." I muttered. "Yachi called me this morning and told me where to go but I can't remember!!" My finger hovered above the glowing buttons before pressing one that 'felt right.' Many stories up.

It was the upper most floor that I started my search. Curse my poor memory and shitty phone battery! Pacing hurriedly down the spreading hallways I found nothing - no Hitoka residence.

Next floor down, same thing! I was becoming irritated!

My feet moved excitedly out of the elevator as I arrived to the next floor down, scanning each name by every door and mumbling to myself.

"Shiozaki... Yoshida... Endo... where the heck is it? Gah-!" Before I could get out of the way, the door I was walking by swung open and a person mistakenly walked in my path. I got a face full of shirt and walked straight into the guy, nearly dropped the snacks and sodas I bought!!

"What is up with me today?!" I fretted and bowed, probably deeper than I needed to. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!!"

The voice was chipper, quirky. "Woah there! You having a race with yourself out here??"

'Am I what?' The odd question caused me to look up a little bit, but this guy was tall! His shirt had a Shiratorizawa Academy logo on it, the school my dad originally planned for me...!

"Cat got your tongue~?"

I stiffened, finally realizing that I wasn't talking that whole time. My face was probably turning as red as this guy's hair!

"The cat's not racing! I mean- I got my own tongue! Wait! I mean-! I'm not-!"

My words were a mess, I probably looked like a moron. Instead of looking confused though, he sauntered back. Now with a foot of space between us his face softened.

"I'm sorry. I'm freaking you out, aren't I?"


His piercing gaze looked sad, even with his lips quirked up in a solemn smile. I could tell.

"I'm sorry. I should just go back-"

He reached for the handle of the door he came out of, my body reacted before I could think of the consequences. "Wait!"

His skin was warm beneath my fingers as I held his wrist, keeping him from opening the door. He was just as shocked as I was. Quickly my hand found its place around the handles on my plastic bags.

"Sorry, sorry. You're not freaking me out! Sorry if I made you think that... I'm just... I'm freaking myself out!"

His back straightened out a bit. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I just... I can't find my friend's apartment... and I've been looking forever! Do you know the Hitoka residence?"

"A-ah! I'm just here visiting my grandpa, so I'm not too familiar with this place. Buuuuut~" he suddenly belted in the doorway, "Wakatoshi-kun! Stop talking my grandpa's ear off, we have an important quest!"

one step further // haikyuu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now