his identity: revealed! // 47

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Tsukishima... do you hate me?

Mm-! What?

Do you hate me?

No... I don't hate you, Toshiko.

Then why do you act like you do?

What's with the interrogation?

Because I'm tired of wondering if I did something wrong! Why did you suddenly stop being my friend?!

.... Toshiko I- How do you expect me to respond to that?

With honesty. For once I just want you to say what you mean! But since this seems to be a challenge for you, I'll give you time to think of an answer.

... How much time...?

I'll find you when it's time. Goodnight, Tsukishima Kei.


No matter how much I distracted myself, I couldn't help but replay the conversation I had with Tsukki the night before. But I had a date to look forward to!

Why should I be so worried about what I said, anyway? So what if I was blunt? He needs to make up his mind!

After fighting with my hair, I finally finished getting ready and needlessly stared at my reflection. "I won't say where we're going," the email said. "But dress appropriately for the weather, we'll be outside!"

For weather purposes, my outfit was great! A sheer, kimono-style cardigan over a simple tank top and jean shorts. The pieces worked well together, but I still questioned if it was "date worthy". If it wasn't, my cute half-ponytails would compensate for it. The knock at my front door signaled my time up for nitpicking my ensemble.

"Coming!" My stomach leapt, my nerves flooded my brain. Still... I was a little excited! Snatching my cash and phone while speeding through the house, I rushed to tie my shoes and greeted my escorts on the other side of the door. Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Hinata all dazzled at my appearance.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting," I murmured and closed the door behind me. "Shall we go now?"

"Noooo!" Yuu fell to his knees and hugged my calf looking up at me as if tears were streaming down his face. "You can't go like this! You're far too cute for any mortal man, Toshiko!" He blathered like some ancient noble. His ridiculous actions caused me to laugh so hard my stomach hurt.

"Noya! Hahaha! You're so weird."

In the midst of my outburst, the 2nd-year still clinging to me, I noticed Tanaka whisper something in Hinata's ear. Causing him to blush up a storm and say "No way, Tanaka!"

"What did you say that's got him acting like that?" They both made this 'gwah!' sound at me and Ryu assured me it was nothing.

"Now," He chuckled as he picked up Noya. "Whadya say we start heading to the station?"

"Okay, let's go!" I hopped off the front step and we were on our way to board the train. With a stroke of luck it wasn't too crowded, so we managed to snag a few seats; Shouyou and Nishinoya choosing to sit on either side of me and Tanaka offered to stand in front of me. It's like I was in a small bubble they created and it almost made me laugh. During the hour and 45 minute ride to a city just outside of Tokyo I silently observed the three of them in their street clothes. Something about seeing them in a different wardrobe from what I was used to made me stare more than I care to admit. Especially Shouyou. His purple t-shirt suited him really nicely...

The train lady over the loud speaker announced our destination, and we made our departure from the station and began walking to the place the email guy told me to meet him.

"So where'd this guy say to meet at?" Noya asked me. Tanaka glared at an innocent dude walking in the opposite direction and frightened him. Noya did the same to another guy. They were obnoxious, but funny.

I mumbled while observing the directions closely. "I looked it up earlier. The address said it was some sort of shop."

"What a lousy date spot!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"I don't know if that's where the date is," My admittance caused all three of their brows to arch. "He said he wanted to keep the location a surprise." I mocked the mystery guy a little bit.

"And anyway, we're almost there." I continued. "So stop giving random people dirty looks!"

"They started it!" The 2nd-years argued in unison. As we closed the distance we noticed a tall guy facing away from us, it seemed like he was looking for someone. He donned khaki shorts, and a midnight-blue polo shirt with a watch on his left wrist.

"Is that him?" Shouyou asked, maybe a little too loudly. The guy heard the question and turned to face us with a rose in his hand. All of us stopped and stared at one another, our mouths practically dropped to the floor.

"It's the Great King!" The boys all fretted together. And in an instant they were shielding me from the front, my upperclassman looking kind of edgy in their black and red shirts.

"No way you can go with him, Toshiko!" Yuu shouted.

"Yeah, this guy is bad news." Tanaka insisted. Hinata bolstered the both of them with 'Yeah, Yeah!'s. Oikawa simply looked amused at their actions.

What should I do?! I'm already here. He brought me a rose?! What's going on?! Why'd it have to be HIM of all people...?

Is it betraying my friends to go on a date with this guy?

In the midst of my inner argument Oikawa stepped forward, gently grabbed my hand through my friends and slowly pulled me from their shields.

"So you're Toshiko!" His tone was smooth as honey. In my surprise all I could do was nod as I looked between him and the other three. "Happy to see you've healed from your injury, little manager." In that moment he winked and handed me the rose. I couldn't see how Kojima and this guy were cousins, because Oikawa was way better at the whole flirting thing. Still, despite his charms I was concerned about my choice:

Do I go on the date or turn him down? Am I double-crosser if I go?

"Pah! Don't worry, Toshiko! You run along and have fun on your little date." Nishinoya, the last person I expected to say something like that, stood straight and gave me a thumbs up. "You're probably worried about it because of who he is, but this doesn't have anything to do with volleyball. Don't stress so much!" His optimism was flooring, and completely unexpected! Shouyou and Tanaka both prattled arguments as Nishinoya turned them away and waved me goodbye.

What the hell was that change of mind all of a sudden?! What's going on?!

I nearly jumped when Oikawa spoke again. "That was certainly interesting, I can see why you're friends with those guys." He chuckled as he gingerly grabbed my hand, shaking it. "What a relief to finally introduce myself, sorry to keep it a secret! I'm Oikawa Toru. That was a fun little mystery wasn't it?"

I softly agreed and avoided his gaze, nerves suddenly being the only thing I could focus on. Avoiding the thorns, my grip tightened on the stem of the flower.

"Well now," He leaned down slightly and met my wandering gaze, smiling in a way that seemed normal. Almost calming. And not overly flirtatious. "Shall we go on our date?"

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