no way to make up for lost time // 58

486 16 11

~Koutaro Bokuto~

When I saw her there, right in front of me in that gym, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like my whole world stopped on a dime. It was like... unbelievable! I felt sick and excited all at once. An overwhelming feeling took over when she looked up at me, my voice got stuck in my throat! It really was her... My little sister, right there, in the flesh.

But then, I realized that she didn't remember me. Or her life before... It made me cry!! It was awful!! She even was mad at me for trying to tell her the truth with our coaches there, man she was more stubborn than I remember. How could you not look at our name and features and deny that we're related...? My head was spinning for the rest of the day and I just couldn't get my focus back. Before I knew it we were suddenly scrimmaging with other teams during the camp, and it's like I had no idea how I got to that point. My eyes kept wandering back to her as she played, and I don't think I could've been more proud. It made me wanna cry again, realizing I've missed so many things in her life, I missed watching her grow up...

"Bokuto-san." A familiar voice ripped me out of my thoughts. "Are you doing okay?"

"A... Akaashi..." My voice was croak-y when I tried to talk back. "Yeah... I'm fine."

"Are you sure...?"


"Well, the camp's just ended for the day. Maybe you should get some rest."

I sighed, not sure how to handle how I was feeling. "It's okay, Akaashi. I think I'll go practice some more with Kuroo in the small gym."

"Are you going to try and talk to her again?"


"Bokuto-san... this has to be hard for her too. And confusing, no doubt."

"... I know that."

"You can't force her to remember right away, it was a long time ago. You told me she was just a toddler when it all happened, right?"


"Just give her a little time. She'll come around."

"Thanks, Akaashi." I said with a forced smile. "I'm sure you're right." So then I was in the small gym with Tetsurou, and as we kept doing stuff we decided we wanted someone to block for us.

"Where's your tall kid?"

"Lev? He's working on receives with Yaku. He's not getting out of that. But I think I saw that number 11 from Karasuno walking around outside."

"Oh that blond kid?? I'll go see if he's still out there!!"




Can't believe she was out there too... was she crying?

"Can we take a break?" Tsukishima said. "I need water."

Kuroo agreed to taking a break then came over to me, but I didn't want to talk to him!

"Hey, c'mon man..." He tried. "Don't look at me like that. How was I supposed to know she was also there?"

"But you knew she was in Japan!" I tried to keep my voice low. "You told me about those practice matches with Karasuno... she was there wasn't she?"

one step further // haikyuu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now