butterflies with my breakfast // 9

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The next morning I was up extra early, the excitement waking me before the alarm could. I checked my phone and went into the messages; last night the boys had the idea to exchange numbers so anyone could update me on golden week stuff. Everyone was being very kind and accepting - I really didn't expect so much from all of them. Especially that broody Kageyama. What he did wildly threw me for a loop. The previous night after practice I managed to catch him before he slipped out of my sight, the conversation playing in my head on repeat.

~Flashback: The previous night~

"*Hey*! Wait, Kageyamaaa!" I shouted as I ran after him on the road. He turned and faced me with a blank expression, his body language lax.

"Ah, Toshiko. Good job during practice."

"Thanks... likewise..." I spoke while catching my breath. "Listen, I know it was you. Coach Ukai told me it was you who suggested I train with you guys for golden week because of my team's break." He nodded, causing his straight hair to fall over his eyes some. "But how? How did you know about it?"

"I was at the vending machine when I heard you and Hinata talking during lunch. I saw you two practicing together and listened to you talking about being frustrated with your team's break. Just wanting to train and improve your skills." A small blush managed to sneak its way over my cheeks. His voice wrapped around and enveloped me, pulling me into the conversation further. "So, I talked to Ukai about it and at first he was apprehensive. But I told him that you can keep up with any skilled player, he used practice tonight to evaluate your skills and decide if he'd let you train with us." His straightforwardness caught me off guard, but I respected the fact he kept ambiguity out of his dialogue.

So his praise got Ukai to let me join them...?

"Okay, but I have a question. Why go out of your way for me like that? We don't know each other that well, I only ever see you during practice. So... why?" It took me until that moment to realize, but in the midst of the conversation the both of us had gravitated toward each other. His body in close proximity with my own. From that close I observed that his eyes were actually a dark shade of blue... I tried not to overthink it, but I was beginning to feel angsty and restless. He looked down at me then, the navy pools of his eyes causing me to squirm under my skin - butterflies suddenly wreaking havoc in my gut. My heart pounded.

Stop looking at me so intensely...

"Simply put..." He began, lowering his voice to compensate for the space we were sharing. The sound made my face redden even further. "I find you interesting. And I want to see you at your limits."

~Returning to current timeline~

Over and over this played in my head as I idled around the kitchen slowly making a reasonable breakfast; that same buzzy feeling from yesterday returning every time I thought about it.

I have to find a way to thank him for talking to Ukai for me, but how am I supposed to do it properly? I don't even know him that well...

My thoughts were interrupted by my ringtone blaring from the bedside table. I rushed to it, expecting a call from someone on the team, but the screen displayed a number not in my contacts. I hesitantly answered.

"Hello?" My heart nearly stopped when I recognized the voice that greeted me from the other end. "D-Dad?"

"Yes, Toshiko, it's me. I'm calling from a work phone. Sorry if the new number confused you."

"It-It's okay... why did you call?"

"I wanted to confirm you are doing well in your classes. And you're liking the house, yes? Ms. Fujioka showed you around?" His icy voice involuntarily made me shiver. An unexpected call like this felt like the last thing I needed. "I would be there too, but work is demanding. I'm currently abroad in Korea. You're eating right? I don't have to hire a caretaker for you, young lady, do I?"

"N-no, dad." I said nervously. As spiteful as I felt towards him, I could never get a grip when interacting with him. It made me nervous just hearing his stupid voice. "I can take care of myself. Thank you for checking on me."

"You stutter too much. I don't put you in school to talk like that." He chuckled to himself, as if he had just made a joke. At this point I was just annoyed to speak with him.

"Well I better go, I have a training camp for volleyball to get ready for."

"Ah- volleyball? You're still playing?" So clueless! I've been playing since grade school!

I sighed. "Mm." Was all I could mutter without being disrespectful.

"Oh? That's great to hear."

"Huh? Really?"

"Good. Go gather those reports and we'll discuss more in the meeting." I clicked my tongue, now realizing that he was talking to a work colleague. "I have some business to take care of, Toshiko. I'll call another time when I can. Make sure you work hard in school."

"Okay Dad... bye." He hung up almost sooner than the words left my mouth. I sat there in raging sourness, frustration filling and weighing down my chest. Rising to my feet, anger was beginning to get the better of me; my arm swung back ready to throw the phone. A voice from outside stopped me in my tracks.

"Toshikooooo, wake uuuuuup!"

"No way, is that...?" I ran through the living room and rushed to the terrace that overlooked the front of the house, Hinata was out there, yelling for me at the wrong home.

"Shouyoooou..." I called out softly, he jumped and looked at me, to the house he stood in front of, then back to me with a face of red. My laughter surely didn't help with his embarrassment.

"I-I-I forgot which one was yours!! It doesn't have your last name anywhere!" He shook his head to alleviate the self-consciousness. Then looked at me again, his blush replaced with a big smile. "C'mon! Hurry and get ready so we can be the first ones there!" His charisma was contagious, and the enthusiasm he exuded made me forget about my dad right away. I grinned widely at him.

"Okay! I'll be right down!"

~Notes from author~
lol I just wanted to give a shout-out to Haruhi Fujioka of Ouran High School Host Club for having a great last name when I couldn't come up with anything better for the Dad's assistant from chapter 2. No worries, I will not completely rip off the name though. When the time comes we'll learn her first name.

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