dog fight // 52

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"Why the hell is there a girl here?" The new guy grumbled, scowling at me.

What's this guy so grumpy for?

Oikawa chuckled playfully. "C'mon now, Mad Dog. That's no way to greet our guest. This is Toshiko. Say hi."

I waved at this 'Mad Dog' guy and tried to show that I was friendly. He just kept glaring, almost like he was sizing me up. Iwaizumi barked at him, "Kyotani!"

The boy looked like he wanted to yell back, but was overpowered by the prowess of his senpai. He mumbled a curt 'hello.'

So his name is Kyotani. He's a crabby guy...

"Well then!" Toru interjected himself into the conversation again. "If we're all done with introductions, let's cut the stalling and get started. Mad Dog, warm up on the sidelines before joining your team."

"Teams..." I muttered to myself. "Wait, so does that mean...?"

"Toshiko! What position do you want to play on your side?" Oikawa grinned. "You're with Kindaichi-kun, Yahaba, Matsukawa, and Kyotani."

There was an ill-tempered 'Hah?!' That echoed across the gym. We all turned to Mad Dog who was angrily stomping towards his captain.

"No way I'm going on the team with the girl!"

What does that matter...? Asshole.

Oikawa was taken aback and looked to Iwaizumi for a brief moment. The both of them sighed and gave in to the fiery aggression spilling from the 2nd-year.

"Fine. Hanamaki? Will you...?"

"Sure. Why not?" Kyotani's replacement ducked under the net and joined my side, the rest of my teammates followed suit. Matsukawa and Hanamaki smirked at each other and celebrated being put on the same team. They all looked at me - STARED at me really. I fidgeted with the bottom of the slightly over-sized shirt.

'Why does everything feel so awkward today?!'

"Um..." My voice peeped out. "Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Didn't you hear Oikawa?" The Matsukawa guy sneered. "He put us on your team. That makes you the captain, does it not?" He draped an arm over my shoulder and gestured to the other three. "So, Little Captain, what position would you like to play?"

"You're asking me what I want first?"

He put his other hand to his chest. "Well, I'm a middle blocker. So's that kid right there." He lowered his voice and leaned in closer to me, pointing at Kindaichi who flustered from our sudden attention. "Hanamaki is an outside hitter. And Yahaba there is a setter. Whadya say, boss?"

"Hey! Matsukawa! Don't get so friendly with Toshiko! You'll stain her innocence." Oikawa whined from the other side of the net. I couldn't help but laugh as I wiggled out from underneath Matsukawa's arm. It didn't take long for me to figure the dynamic of our team.

"This works out great, actually." I said, getting their attention and calling them to a huddle. "I'm an outside hitter too, so I think we have all our bases covered for offense and defense. Which works out great for my goal..."

"What's that?" Kindaichi asked. I just smiled and turned to the other team, cracking my knuckles.

"We'll do our best to not let their ball touch our side of the floor!"


"AGH! What the hell?!" Mad Dog cursed after one of his hits was blocked. By me. It was only the second time I was able to do that the entire scrimmage, but I think the fact I did it at all or even touched his hits was making him mad. All according to plan. I could feel him glaring at me as I was praised and celebrated by my teammates.

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