into the castle // 51

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"Let's see... this must be the place." I muttered to myself while navigating to a new location. Oikawa had sent me an address asking to meet him there.

It was Aoba Johsai High School.

The gym eventually was in my sights. The sound of volleyball wasn't too hard to find!

Shyly I opened the door and peeked my head in, looking for the boy in question who sent me on this scavenger hunt. We spotted each other at the same time from across the court.

"There she is!" He smiled and closed the distance, telling me to come on in and have a seat at the bench. It looked like their practice was about to start.

"I'm sorry." He said shyly. "Iwa said he would kill me if I missed practice again. I promise we'll do something fun when this is over okay? Do you mind watching us in the meantime?"

I'd rather be playing.

I put on a wide grin. "Oh, I don't mind!"

"Great, then you just make yourself comfortable here and-"

"Shittykawa! Get your ass in gear!" A loud voice startled the both of us as it bounded over. It was the same guy who dragged Oikawa away during the Inter-High game.

"Geez, I'm coming Iwa! You scared us."

"Us? Who's-?" He finally was at Oikawa's side and met my eyes, noticing me there for the first time. "Oh. Hello." He was curt. Very boyish. I tried to break the ice with a smile as I stood to greet him.

"Hi! I'm Toshiko! You must be Iwa-chan?"

Oikawa tried to hold back a laugh while I held my hand out for Iwa to shake. Toru got a solid punch to the shoulder before the other faced me, a slight blush on his cheeks. He took my hand firmly and stared me down.

"Iwaizumi Hajime."

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to be too informal."

He chuckled and let me go, resting his hands on his hips instead. "No worries. Toshiko was it? You're the girl this moron hasn't shut up about since-"

"Iwa!! Shut up, don't embarrass me!" Oikawa hissed and covered his face, hiding the blush under his fingers. Iwaizumi and I shared a laugh. Suddenly I had this sneaking suspicion that him and I were on the same page.

"Oooh, so you're the Iwaizumi that made Oikawa change his outfit that day right?"

Hajime's smirk told me he knew where I was going with this. "That's right."

"I just wanna say thanks for saving his sense of fashion!" We both sneered playfully at Toru, who was looking at us like we were evil.

"Toshiko, you bully..." He pouted. "I expected this from Iwa! But you?! I'm so hurt..."

A giggle fell in place of an apology he was expecting. "I'm just teasing, Oikawa. Did I really hurt your feelings?"

He continued sulking and refusing to look at me. Puffing his cheek out like a kid. "...Yes."

I turned to Iwaizumi for guidance. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Like he was used to this.

I got an idea to get Oikawa back on track. "If I bought you some milk bread after this, would that make up for it?"

Hajime's snickering couldn't be hidden as we watched his friend try to fight off the consideration of my offer. Back and forth Toru would glance at me and the wall until he caved, facing forward and wagging his finger. "Two milk breads and I'll consider forgiving you."

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