Chapter 13: The meeting

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On entering the conference room I saw the sexiest man in my entire life. He was wearing a white shirt which was hugging his muscular body perfectly. Wait. I think I know him. He is the red-eye guy from  the palace

 He looked so dangerous that day. But now all he is... hot. God, what's wrong with me. I haven't even spoken a word to him and I am already fantasizing about him.

"Hello, I am Niya! I have been summoned." I said in a professional tone

"Please have a seat," he said in a rough yet honeyed voice. With his every word my heartbeat is increasing.

"Hi.. I am Derek. I am the prince and I have few questions for you."
My throat felt dried. What must I have ever done that the prince himself is here to question me? My hands were literally shaking. I hid them under the table so that he couldn't see them.

"Go on." I managed to say.

"I would like to know about the antidote that you prepared."

Okay.. I at least know the answer to his first question.

"After a lot of research, we found the causative agent to be prions. It's basically a protein molecule with life. So our team prepared an antidote. We have a specific concentration of proteases which would destroy the protein moiety and thus stop the infection." I explained

"And does this antidote have any side effects?" he questioned.

Ron was the only one with side effects. I had examined over 50 patients from Mark's pack. None of them were with side effects. The rest of the patients from West were examined by Karl. I don't know his report. His question made me think of the worst-case scenario. What if he had witnessed anyone with such side effects. And if he himself has taken the antidote and is experiencing some side effects? 

No no no.. he wasn't there in the list of infected patients I am pretty sure. I was taking too long to answer. I don't want him to get suspicious. So I said whatever came to my mind.

"Not any we know about." I said hurriedly.

"I heard that you people are doing some tests to find out if the patients are experiencing any side effects. Am I right?"

"Yes. Just to be sure." I tried to shrug it off with a smile

"My pack  have 75 patients who have taken the antidote. I want you to come and check them for the next week."

Okay.. he just wants me to have a routine examination.

"Sure" I said a bit relaxed

What? What did I just say? I have blood moon territory already. Can I resist? I don't know why I said sure. . Now I have to cut down the number of patients every day.

"I already examine 15 patients from Blood Moon daily. I can reduce that number to 10. But I would not be able to examine more than 7 patients a day at the palace. I would like to apologize in advance if I couldn't cover up 75 patients within a week. I will probably take 2 weeks."
I don't know if he really cares about my exhaustion. But yet I am here explaining to him my work schedule.

"I don't mind it. You can take all the time in the world. Besides we can arrange somebody else for the blood moon territory. And you can stay at the palace so you don't get exhausted traveling every day." he had a smirk on his face

"I highly appreciate your offer but I don't think I could stay at the palace" I tried my best not to sound rude. Like who would want to piss the prince."

"Why not?" he asked a bit disappointed

Now, that is something I need to think about. I can't tell him that I have a son who I need to take care of.

" I don't adjust with new places" 

"Ohkay. But in case you change your mind. Do let me know. I will pick you up at 11 tomorrow morning from your home."

"Do you know where I live?"

"Of course!" he said with confidence

"Of course?" Ugghh? How does he know where I live

"Excuse me?" I  questioned his spontaneous reply.

" I mean you can text me your address. Why don't you give me your phone number."

A hot guy asking for my phone number. Good going already.
I went close to him and dialed my number on his phone.

"Ping me and I'll text you my address." I smiled.
"Do I need to bow or anything? You are the prince right and I have no idea about monarchy in the 21st-century works."

He threw his head back laughing " No you don't"

"Thank you, prince, it was nice meeting you!"

"It's Derek for you" he said with a smile

"Okay, then Derek.. we meet tomorrow!"  I smiled back at him and left the conference room.

Derek's POV.

I have been preparing for this conversation for like a week. God, I even wrote it down 3 times. I have never taken so much effort in my life. She entered the room. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils. It was like heaven on earth. Did I forget already what I am supposed to say? Thank God I have it saved in my notes.

She is breathtaking, mesmerising. Moon goddess I wish she was a werewolf. It would have been so easier. But since she is not I have to make her fall in love with me.

For that I need to spend maximum time with her. I have a strategy for the same. We started talking.

When I said I was going to ask her questions. I could feel her getting tensed. But she is very good at hiding emotions. She is confused and afraid but her voice holds authority. If I wasn't her mate I am sure I wouldn't find out. She is smart.

Who am I kidding. She is too smart. She literally saved the werewolf species by creating the antidote. Not just by brains even her personality is very intimating. I better not think about her beauty already.

She will be the perfect queen. My queen.
After our Q and A, she came closer to me to give me her number. She accidentally touched me. I don't think she felt the sparks. But I did.

I would say I was happy but that would be an understatement.

She then asked me if she needs to bow since I am the prince. How should I tell her she has me wrapped under her fingers. I chuckled.

After confirming about our plans for tomorrow she left the conference room.  Today was the best day of my life. My first conversation with my mate. Tomorrow would be much more exciting.

I need to prepare the palace for her and warn my pack. I am going to restrict my pack from shifting when they are around the palace.  I better hurry up.

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