Chapter 26: Future Queen

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I got dressed and dropped a call to Mark letting him know that I would be attending the meeting. He was happy I am showing interest in packwork but alongside he was mad at William for putting his mate before the pack. He is still holding on to day when William saved his mate over me. But I had Derek. When is Mark going to understand that mates comes before everyone else.

"Mom are you ready?" Ron yelled from behind the doors.

"Got to go Mark. I'll call you later" I hanged up the phone and opened the door to face impatient Ron.

"Finally, Mom you take forever to get ready" he cried.
"I was talking to Mark. And I am ready an hour ago."

"Okay let's go." He said holding up the keys to Mark's Ferrari.
I snatched them from his hands
"Sweetheart, you are a kid with no driving license" I narrowed my eyes
"Mom, this is our territory and there is no police here. Besides, I am a gamma I do deserve to drive."

"No" was all I said and walked out of the pack house .

"Are you getting in or should I drive off on my own? You can run to the palace if you wish." I teased.

He got into the car stamping his feet on the ground. He really is a baby. The entire drive he kept whinning and complained how he deserves to drive.
We reached the palace and I pulled over.

"Ron are you going to stop or should I drop you back to the pack house and come here alone?"
He slided down the seat and covered his head with his hoddie.

I pushed it back
"Okay next time we head out, I'll let you drive."

Ron's face blossomed and he stepped out of the car. We headed to the meeting room. I could see alpha's of different packs but I know none. I took a seat besides Ron and we were waiting for the king.

Derek walked in and as soon as our eyes met my wolf started dancing in the back of my mind. He approached me with a smile but as soon as he saw Ron his expression changed.

"Isn't Mark or his beta here?" He questioned.

"Mark is out of town and William is busy so I would be representing Bloodmoon alongside their gamma" I said.

"Do you have a problem?" Ron said and gave him a pointed look.

"Behave" I glared at Ron.

The king walked in and everyone in the room stood. We took our seats and the meeting began.

"Good afternoon everyone. We are here to discuss the situation with the hunters." The king stated. "I believe you have heard the incidence last week at the palace. The hunters have caused no harm. YET. But we must be prepared for a war if situations turn otherwise."

"The hunters do not buzz us unless we hurt a human. Alpha king why can't we just hand in the guilty to the hunters and not invite bloodshed." One of the alpha from neighbouring pack spoke.

"No. We are not doing that." Derek interrupted.

"But why not? Isn't protecting our kind our job? Are we going to risk so many lives for a single wolf?" The same alpha declared.

I bit my lips nervously and looked at Derek. He seems pissed. He got up from his seat and walked towards me. He took my hand and we both stood in front of the table.
'Don't do anything stupid Ron.' I mindlinked him as I could feel him getting anxious.

"The wolf we are talking here is my mate and your future queen. She accidentally killed a human while protecting us from vampires. Not to mention that human was the one who started the disease in which many of our dear ones have lost their lives. He deserved to be nothing but dead." Derek spoke with authority. I could feel his strong aura and power radiating. He hugged me from behind comforting me since he could feel me tensed.

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