Chapter 18: Witch

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Derek's POV

I better kill myself once she leaves. I can't live without my mate. She was waiting in the conference room for me. I had been here for more than half an hour but I just couldn't go in.

I know she is going to be hurt. And I don't think I could handle hurting her. My wolf wouldn't let me do this so today morning I injected myself with a little silver. This will keep my wolf knocked out for the day. Taking one last breath I entered the room.

"I want to break up with you," I said it simply as if I have no feeling and the thought of a breakup isn't going to affect me.

I could see her shatter. She is extremely good at hiding emotions but today I could see them. All of them. She loved me. And I am destroying her.

I could see her trembling. I want her to be in my arms but that isn't happening now or ever.

"Why?" she managed to speak. She had tears in her eyes. I could see her gasp for air.

"I don't like you anymore" I wasn't. prepared for her question so I said whatever logical explanation I could think about.

"Also you are no longer allowed to work here. You are fired!" I added

I don't want to do this. I know she loves her work. But if I don't fire her she won't leave this place.

That's when the glass door shattered and Mark got in. He was staring at my mate as if she is his. I wanted to rip his throat out but I couldn't turn as my wolf is knocked.

"And yes the sex was thrilling. Never knew a virgin could be so good at it"
I want him to know that she is mine and I have claimed her. I didn't know it would come out in such foul language.

Niya. I can't! I should have said this. She is already going through her worst nightmare and I just took made it even more worse.

She ran out of the conference hall. Pieces of glasses made her feet bleed but she didn't react to the pain. I watched her storm out of the building with Mark following her.

What have I done? I don't deserve to live.

Niya's POV

I ran like crazy. I finally stopped at the meadow where Derek had proposed to me. So many emotions had built within me. Hurt, anger, pain, denial, sorrow. I let out a scream. The entire meadow was set on fire. The flowers died. Looking at what happened I fainted.


I didn't want to wake up. I wanted the darkness to consume me. But I could hear someone crying. I recognized the voice. It was Ron.. Ron my baby. I forced myself to open my eyes.

"Momm...." He immediately hugged me

"Let go of her Ron, she just came out of a trauma" I could hear Mark's angry voice. Ron immediately let go of me.

"How are you feeling dear sister?" he asked easing his voice a bit

"I have been better," I said faintly.

He ran a hand over my head.
"Why don't you rest for a while?" he said and left me alone?


I have been in bed for the past week. Ron has been by my side. Mark has been checking up on me every hour.

I can't stay like this forever. I have to get out of this. I got up from my bed and took a shower. I dressed and decided to go down for a walk.

"Somebody is looking all pretty" Mark complimented me. He is trying his best to get me out of my situation. I owe him and Ron an explanation.

"Mark do you have a moment? Can we talk?"

"Always for my little angel" we went into the garden and I told him about everything.

I also learned that Mark and Derek have been enemies since forever but they have an alliance.
I expected him to bust off at me and get angry but he did nothing like that. He just hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder.

I feel so light after my talk with Mark. I also told Ron but I missed many details.

Ron being the kid he is fumed and was ready to take down the prince. It was Mark's alpha power that stopped him on my say. Speaking of Ron he now looks like a 18-year-old. His strength weight height IQ all resembles a 18-year-old.

Decision-making power.. I could say it's still like a 10-year-old. He hasn't seen the world yet. Mark had shifted my things from my old house here.

I have a spacious room of my own with much more amenities than I need.

Mark said he wants to talk to me about something important. So here I am at his office waiting for him. Mark opened the door and walked in

"Sorry to keep you waiting angel" he kissed me on my forehead.

"Doesn't matter. You said you want to talk about something important."

"Yes. You remember the day you had your mental breakdown and I followed you to the meadow"

Those memories still crush my heart

"So you let out a loud scream and the meadow was set into the fire. All the flowers and trees around it died"

"That was just an accident. What do you want to suggest?"

"I think you are a witch"

"You are calling me a witch? I don't have a long pointed nose or long creepy fingernails. And I definitely don't wear a black gown and pointed hat."

"Angel, I am not calling you a witch I think you are a witch and I want to confirm it. Also, that's not the only version of witches. Witches can be beautiful too.. Just like you!"

"Come on" he pulled my hand and took me to a dark room.

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