Chapter 22: Traitor

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Suddenly, all the vampires fell to the ground clutching their heads with their hand as if it was going to explore. I saw Niya mumbling something.

She is a witch. I can't believe it. And obviously a powerful one. She was fighting more than 100 vampires at once.

One by one the vampires' brains exploded and their hearts fell out, melted. Niya is playing it evil but yet I am proud of my mate. All the vampires died except their second in command. Niya walked towards him. He was almost about to die.

"I believe you are the leader" she said smiling at him. She looked at the beta

"Will, tie him up. We have some interrogation to do."
The beta roped him and Niya dipped her hand into his chest. Her magic had made his body soft as a sponge.

"Last time your minions were here they tried to kill me and my boyfriend. My love life was going great until your runts showed up" She squeezed his heart.

"Now... I want you to tell me who had sent you and why?" the vampire did not answer her.

"Fry his brain Niya." The beta spat.
"Brain it is!" she held his head still squeezing his heart and started mumbling in another language.

"No... no... please stop.. kill me already" the vampire screamed.

"Not until I get what I want" Niya said continuing to hurt him.

"I... I.. will tell you whatever you need... but please.. please make it stop."
Niya left him.

"Your mate had murdered our Queen. My leader just wanted to take his revenge by killing off the one thing that gave him life."
Yes, it is true. Without my mate, I am just as good as dead. Niya was taken back from his words. She spoke after some time.

"Where the hell is your leader hiding?" She said with venom in her voice. When she didn't receive an answer immediately she squeezed his heart harder.

"In the basement of Moondwelt research institute." He said in one breath. She ripped off his heart and threw it at the beta.

"Here's your pizza" she said.
"Ewwwweee Niya. You are gross." He stepped on the vampire's heart and crushed it into pieces. Niya started walking.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" the beta asked her.

"Moondwelt. To kill the vampire" she said simply.

"Are you out of your mind? Didn't you listen? He is the vampire leader and we have no idea how many more vampires he has there hidden. Let me mindlink Mark about your stupid plan."

"If you ever considered me as a friend you won't mindlink him" he beta stopped.

"You are all dipped in rage Niya. You should wait and think with a straight mind" Niya stood sternly with no signs of calling off her plan.

"Fine but I am coming with you" the beta agreed..

This is nucience. The beta is completely right but I can't convince Niya in my wolf form. Before I could do anything she stormed off with the beta following her.  I followed them in my wolf form.

We entered the basement. It was dark. On entering further I stepped onto something. It was a wolf trap. My leg was trapped in a huge silver wolf trap. The lights turned on and I saw Niya and the beta tied to two chairs. The beta had silver cuffs.

"Dr. Patrick... you?" A man was wearing an Apron with the vampire leader just beside him.

"Yes me. I resurrected the highness."

"Why would you even do that?" Niya screamed angrily as if she already knew the history.

"Niya, my dear. The Vampires and I had a deal. We wanted to destroy the werewolf species and we created an infective disease for it. But then.. you came. You were my intern but Karl took you under and you both found the daam cure." The doctor said with anger building up after each sentence.

" You already knew what was the cure?"

"Of course I did. After all, I was the one to make the culture at the first place. And my good friend Carol helped me with it"

He turned on another set of lights and behind the glass doors, there was a female wolf. She was weak. Her skeleton was showing off. She was tortured for a long time.
The beta growled "MATE"  The female wolf's eyes lit up to the sound of her mate's voice.

Niya looked at them. She felt the pain in their eyes.
"I am gonna keep these wolves for further experiments but you are if no use to me Niya. Good thing you don't need anything more than a bullet to kill you." He pointed a gun at her. I tried my best to break free but the silver had weakened me.

"Enough talks for now." Niya said and freed herself from the ropes. She freed me as well as the beta. The vampire king lunged towards her but I took him down.

"I think you should have done your homework better Patrick"
I killed the vampire piece by piece and the beta freed his mate.

Thankfully, there were no more vampires in there. I think all were killed by Niya when they attacked us. Niya was fuming with ran. The room was on fire.  She was blocking the doctor's airways. .

"Niya get out of here." The beat screamed with his mate in his arms.
But it seemed like Niya couldn't hear him.

I jumped through the fire and grabbed my mate on my back and got out of the basement. She came out of her trans. I know she is not going to deal with this well. She killed a human today.

She stumbled to the ground. "I... I.. killed him.."

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