Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

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An: another request down! Two more to go

Bokuto smiled at himself brushing through his hair. He was going out with his boyfriend Akaashi. His lover had just graduated high school so what a better way to celebrate! Then a surprise. After some undercover questions he had the perfect date planed. Starting with leaving his hair down. Something the raven loved.

I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango just for two
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings
Be your Valentino just for you

He hummed softly fixing the tie around his shirt collar. He'd scored a seat at the Ritz. AKA his dinning room since they didn't live in the U.K . But it would still work! He walked into his bedroom fixing up the sheets before they possibly got ruined.
He looked at his phone seeing he had an hour before he picked Akaashi up. A small smile coming to him as he grabbed Akaashi's favorite candle. Strawberry pound cake. Lighting it he set it down in the center of the table. It always went perfect with Akaashi's sent of wild vanilla bean and honey.
The last touches were scattered rose petals. And a some Bluebells his favorite flowers.

Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy
What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?

Bokuto sighed grabbing his keys he blew out a few candles. Then left to grab his Omega. He smiled slightly hearing the one and only Freddie Mercury on his radio

"Set my alarm, turn on my charm" He sang along putting his too down of his convertible.
"That's because I'm a good old-fashioned Loverboy" He sang as he threw the car in drive.
As he came up to the raven's house he found him standing outside in a gold dress. Something out of the usual for the shy boy. Akaashi smiled slightly getting in the passenger's seat. Hearing the song playing he hummed slightly.
" Well lover boy. What does thee have planed for tonight? " He asked kissing Bokuto's cheek.
" You'll see my dear" The owl smiled

Ooh, let me feel your heartbeat (Grow faster, faster)
Ooh, ooh, can you feel my love heat?

Bokuto ran ahead of the raven lighting the candles he blew out. He got back to the door just in time to let his lover in. Akaashi took in the scent of the air.
" Kōtarō you didn't buy a strawberry candle " Akaashi looked at his boyfriend.
" I sure did! I know it's your favorite scent" He smiled kissing the raven's cheek.
" Sometimes I think I really don't deserve you lover-boy" Akaashi hummed hanging his jacket up. Bokuto coming up behind with a hug. He lifted his lover up carrying him to the couch. The younger giggling slightly as they sat down. Akaashi snuggling close to the big owl.

Come on and sit on my hot-seat of love
And tell me how do you feel right after all
I'd like for you and I to go romancing

Bokuto smiled pulling the raven close humming a simple melody to him.
" What is our first plan for tonight Kōtarō " he traced over the veins on his lover's hand.
" What do you want to start with? Just say the word your wish is my command " Bokuto kissed the top of Akaashi's head.
" Well Mr. Lover boy. I smell something coming from the kitchen. " Together the two stood from the couch and entered the kitchen. As Akaashi had his back turned to the owl. Checking to make sure nothing was burnt. Bokuto drew in a nervous breath. He took the Bluebells handing them to the raven as he turned to ask a question.
" Oh? And flowers? Some is racking up brownie points " Akaashi chuckled takng the flowers. Placing them in a vase with sugar water
" Hoping to spend them tonight " Bokuto winked.

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