So Alright, Cool, Whatever

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Akaashi closed his door after allowing his friend out. He couldn't help but remember the taste of Bokuto on his lips. A giggle escaping his thin lips smeared with lipstick.
" OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THAT! " he cheered running to the living room. A smile plastered on his face as he lept into the air! He fell back onto his couch smiling like a love sick fool. And he was.

After you leave, I'll be so alright, it's true
It's not like I've got something grand to say to you Like,

"You'll be the only ever one. Like the only ever ones who came before"he touched his lips missing the weight against them. The editor reaching for his phone scrolling through his contacts. His heart skipping a beat when he saw Bokuto's profile pop up with a message. He clicked on the smiling face eager to read what he sent. The active mind rushing with different ideas. Nothing matching the actual message he'd received from his friend.

KBokuto: hey Akaashi or Keiji. I'm not sure what to use. You said during.. Well ya know.. I could use your given name. But I'm not sure if that was just a spur of the moment thing or if you meant it. Anyways I've rambled I'm sorry. Umm could we possibly forget what we did? It's nothing against you! It was the best sex I'd had in a long time! I've um. Just been messaging this guy on bumble. And I kinda like him. I don't want you to think this is anything against you! Cause it's not! He's just really sweet, and everything I've been searching for in a partner.

KBokuto: you're one of my best friends Akaashi! Don't ever doubt that! But he's absolutely adorable! I could rant about him all night.. Sorry for rambling again. Have a good day Akaashi!!(Keiji)

How could I ever be so dumb
To believe I'd be the one you would adore?

Akaashi sighed rolling his eyes as he turned his phone off. Instead of feeling down or sad for himself he pushed onto his feet. His hands coming up with a flick of his wrists. His body bending forward into a roll. He landed in a straddle laying onto his stomach. His hands grabbing the metal neck of an instrument. He plucked the guitar from it's stand rolling onto his back. Slender fingers finding the frets to guide him into an f chord. His free hand strumming down on the strings. A shock being sent through his body at the sound.
"I wanna be with you" he sang with a quick down down motion. The sound ringing into the room. He scrambled to a seated position turning his amp up. F minor coming naturally to him next.
" I wanna be with you" he reacted feeling the floor he sat on shake from the sound. His heart flipped in his chest. The music drowning out the sound of his phone buzzing.

I wanna be barely hanging on
I wanna be with you, I wanna be with you
I wanna be barely hanging on

When he stopped did he notice the phone. He'd spent three hours messing with music in his head. When he reached for it he hesitated seeing the smiling face. His body moved on instinct answering the call.
" hello Bokuto-San" he put the phone on speaker reaching to turn his amp down. His hands still working on the melody he could hear.
" hey hey hey Akaashi! I was worried when you didn't answer. It said you read it but concern took over. You're normally quick to respond " worry and nerves pricking up in the older males voice. Akaashi smiled at the worry wondering, if he was ever this concerned for his online lover.
" I'm sorry Bokuto I got busy with a song " his strumming counting in silence as they spoke.
" oooh! You should play me what you've got! I miss our jamming sessions. I played a mean belly drum" Bokuto earning a genuine laugh from the man on the other end of the line.
" it would be rude of me if I didn't share it with my dearest friend " when he spoke the word it sent a pang through his chest. It carried to his fingers pushing them into a C shape.
"I wanna be with you all of the time
I wanna be loved by you every night
I wanna be dancing, dreaming, bawling and weeping
Over you all of my life-" He stopped hearing the sound of skin on skin. A loud laugh escaping him as he realized Bokuto drumming on his stomach. Both broke into a chorus of laughter.

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